You manage to arrange a meeting through a call
Speed, that's your keyword right now. If there is a chance for you to return to normal, you want to know as fast as possible. And of all the possible methods, calling had the highest chance of having a quick reply...that is, if this Institute was one to answer a phone call. Either way, the worst that could happen is that you would have to try another method. You look up to Agustina, and told her:
"I would prefer that you called them. Is the fastest way if they answer it."
"¡Sin duda, querido! En el peor de los casos, simplemente les enviaríamos un correo electrónico o contactaríamos por otra de las vías."("Without a doubt, dear! In the worst case, we would simply send them an email or contact them in another way.") Replied your giant lover, in an excited tone.
"I thought the same," you say, smiling.

You watch as she tapes into her phone the number registered on the contact info of the Institute. And soon after, bingo! She starts to chat with someone on the other side. You start listening attentively, as this was a very good moment to learn more about your lover's language; you had grown better at understanding it than before, but a bit more learning sure would be nice to ensure smooth conversations.

After a while, she says goodbye and ends the call with a big smile. She then looks down at you and says:
"¡Muy buenas noticias! Logre acordar una reunión para mañana en la mañana. ¡Y aparentemente, es un Instituto científico local, el cual posee diversos médicos e investigadores de gran calibre que han dedicado sus vidas al estudio de tú situación! ¡Algo me dice que pase lo que pase, te ayudaran de una forma u otra!"("Very good news! I managed to set up a meeting for tomorrow morning. And apparently, it's a local Scientific Institute, which has several high caliber doctors and researchers who have dedicated their lives to studying your situation! Something tells me that no matter what happens, they will help you one way or another!")
"Really? That's nice to hear!" you reply, smiling as well. It seems that your fortunes were turning for the better, at least for now.
You both were really happy. Then, Agustina gasped:
"Oh cierto, ¡casi me olvidaba! Dado que será mañana en la mañana e iremos los dos, tendré que traer a Amanda, dado que no puedo dejarla sola."("Oh right, I almost forgot! Since its tomorrow morning and we're both going, I'll have to bring Amanda, since I can't leave her alone.")
"OK, that's understandable. Very well, since that's the case, I think it would be best if we told her, and perhaps I should spend the rest of the afternoon trying to bond with her. It's as good of a time as any other, right?" you say, in a calm tone. Agustina was right, there was no way either she or you would leave her alone at this resort, especially since you have no idea how long this meeting would last.
"Estoy de acuerdo, ese es una excelente idea. También, en mi caso, me permitirá tiempo para coordinar un par de cosas urgentes, e incluso intentar ayudarte a relacionarte mejor con mi pequeña."("I agree, that's an excellent idea. Also, in my case, it will allow me time to coordinate a couple of urgent things, and even try to help you bond better with my little girl."). Replies Agustina, happy for your initiative.

So, it was decided; this afternoon, you would use to try to get to know the "small" girl better, and perhaps start to develop a bond with her. However, after the way she turned to you the moment her mom told her you were her new lover, perhaps it would be wise to be wary of the kid, even if a tiny bit. She might be a girl, but even she towered to you with ease, and that could prove...dangerous if she turns hostile. Nevertheless, you hope that she proves receptive to you.
May 29, 2023