All in all, it could’ve been a worse experience. The light was blinding, but when her body was enveloped in it, it just felt like that tingling sensation when your foot falls asleep. Static-y and numbing, it was like everything was in slow motion as the world around her squeezed ever tighter.


With infinite tiny needles poking into her skin, it was easy enough to forget that she’d just been shrunk down by a Villain. But when the light faded away, and The Minimiser was standing over her, roaring maniacally, that forgetful bliss came back with a thud.


As tall as maybe a pen, Violet and dozens of other kids were left petrified as The Minimiser knelt down above them, showing every curve she possessed as she plucked tiny kids from the ground, one by one.


Humming to herself like it was just another day, the Minimiser at least seemed distracted. There was an opportunity to do something here. But what?


Violet wracked her brain. She had maybe thirty seconds to make a decision before massive fingers would snatch her up. So whatever it was, it had to happen quickly;

May 26, 2023
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