It seemed like just another routine day for you, and they seemed to go like a blur at this point where you lived, deep in the forest and away from any form of civilization.

Your routine usually started getting out of your nest and flying a little bit, exploring around without straying too far from home, your natural curiosity overridden by the cautiousness and fear that came with being the only one of your species you knew. Sometimes you tasted the fruits animals ate even if you didn't need them for nourishment, sometimes you just followed the wildlife around and "played" with them even if the result was always the same, the animals fled as soon as you tried using your little tricks, the basic fire spells you knew since forever. 

You didn't mind though, the reactions never got old, as routine as they were, and you liked the sense of accomplishment and warmth that came from successfully summoning a bit of fire, although it always left you with the feeling you could do even more. Some nights you even tried to explore this untapped potential, hoping that you could learn to do other things with the magic that you knew was inside of you, but you just didn't know how, it didn't come to you as naturally as the fire spells for some reason.

But now you were seeing something quite unusual after your little round of exploring. Was that.. a human? You barely remembered the stories, old tales about how instead of living in the forest your kind and others had a city and how humans destroyed it, but that was so long ago it sounded like a fictional story. You followed the human as quietly as you could, hiding like you saw some animals doing when they were hunting their prey. You were a bit scared by the idea of the stories being true, but of course, after seeing the same everyday you were just too curious to not want to know more, what was a human doing here? how did it arrive?

After following the human for a while your fear decreased. Sure, it was quite a bit taller than you, but it didn't look threatening or even willing to fight. It seemed to be searching for something? like the animals when they search for food, or like yourself, when you search for something new to do around this place. The fear was now being replaced with a desire to play just like you did with the animals, what would be the reaction? would it run away? would it drop those weird looking things it was carrying? A lingering sense of danger remained, what if your guess was wrong and it got angry and wanted to fight? you weren't ready for that, but the temptation was too much.

Keeping your guard up just in case, you set up a little trap on the floor, a simple bunch of little branches making a little pattern you also learned from long long ago, hoping the human noticed it. And then you waited hidden on a nearby tree, ready to give the human a nice and fun surprise once it was distracted. Just as you expected, the human took the bait, crouching down to examine your bait more closely. With a little grunt, you summoned your reliable spell.

What happens next?

September 18
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