Yvette slowly opened her eyes, and was greeted by a view of the inside of the tankard, illuminated by what little sunlight had managed to seep into the hut.


Some dull thudding echoed through the hut.


It wasn't a dream... and I'm still small...

The thought was cause for concern for her, but at the same time, exhilarating. Tantalizing, even.


The thudding went back and forth in distance.


How long would it take me to get back to the city, like this?

It had taken me the better part of the day to get to the witch's hut before, but I was delayed by having to hide from bandits so now and then.


The thudding stopped briefly, making way for some clinking sounds, before resuming.


Of course, I was also normal sized... Best case, I get luck and can catch a ride from some merchant caravan, or there might be a guild member on their way to the witch, or to look for me even.

Maybe that goblin could give me a- oh...


The thudding steadily grew closer, and if finally hit Yvette.


Okay, she's awake, maybe I should-


"OH- I - OOF!" Yvette exclaimed, as she attempted to brace herself as the tankard was lifted. Standing on the bottom of the tankard, she just managed to hold on to the lip of the vessel with stretched arms, barely stabilizing herself.


"Wha wassat?" The drowsy voice of the goblin sounded from above.


The tankard tilted, backwards from Yvette's perspective, and she fell onto her back.


"Issat- Are you a- fairy?" The goblin seemed to be waking up some more.


"Hi! I'm Yvette!" She rolled over in the tankard, now prone on the slanted wooden surface. "Long story short, angry witch shrunk me."


A short silence fell, as it took a moment for Yvette's words to register, and she took the opportunity to take a better look at the green "giantess" face.


In the faint light, she could see a thin copper ring piercing her left nostril, and she could look in her mouth, hanging open in surprise, revealing mostly sharp, and surprisingly not-that-yellow teeth. Her greasy skin sported many freckles and some light pockmarking, and was a grimy shade of olive green. A messy mop of deep brown hair framed her face, two pointed ears, each half again as long as Yvette was, poking through the tangles. And her eyes. Glittering yellow-orange disks, like saucers of polished amber, subtly darting back and forth as the goblin was taking in as much of Yvette, as Yvette was of her. It was breathtaking how even the smallest detail became obvious at this size.


"So, ehr..." Yvette decided to try and break the ice "What is your name?"


The goblin's expression went from confused to mildy mischievous, and Yvette was tumbles back and forth in the tankard, like she was stuck in a dragée pan, to the sound of stiffled chuckling.


The turning stopped, and as Yvette tried to get her bearing, the goblin turned around, and started making her way through her hut, the swaying and shaking causing her to slip into the bottom of the tankard, sitting down with her arms and legs pressing into the sides for stability.


Some more motion sickness later, the tankard was put down, and judging by a ligt clink, so was the bottle of whatever the goblin had wanted to pour into the tankard.

Yvette heard some sounds of rustling and blowing, presumable the goblin lighting a fire, and clambered onto her feet again, a little tangled up in the cloth that had been her blanket past night.


Before she could even think about maybe climbing out and making a run for it, the goblin's face reappeared above the opening, followed by her her right hand, with gnarly fingernails likely "maintained" by chewing, heading straight towards Yvette, as the goblin finally, and heartily, introduced herself.


"Hi! My name is Bikka!" the goblin started, as she lifted Yvette up from out of the tankard, and set her down on top of a small box, reaching just up to the upper part of Brikka's thighs, leaving the Yvette at eye level with her navel.


Resisting the urge to take in the view once more, Yvette forced herself to make eye contact, and decided to cut to the chase.


"So, Bikka... could you, maybe, help me back to the city? I kind off need to find a way back to normal..."


"Oh?" Brikka squatted down, until she and Yvette were, more or less, eye to eye "Well..."

May 22, 2023
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