Blake awoke slowly from his blackout. He was still adjusting to his new surroundings, but it felt like he was sitting on some smooth, wooden surface. As he recovered, he looked around, and took in the calm sky blue room, the towering pencil holder, the impossibly high computer monitor, the dizzying height of the desk he was on. Blake was in one of New Opal University's dorm rooms, shrunk to an inch tall!

He noticed a young woman sitting on a bed on the opposite side of the room, enthralled by the book she was reading. She looked beautiful with her flowing black hair, cerulean T-shirt, dark purple skirt and blue sneakers. This was Indigo Kitagawa, the object of Blake's desire. Blake watched Indigo as she read, watching, the rise and fall of her chest, and the beauty of her face. Suddenly,  Indigo put her book down on the bedside table and got up. She strode to her desk, and turned her computer on.
April 6, 2023
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