Sex: M
Age: 50’s
Height: 6,0
Frank is a single dad that lives in the suburb with his only son. Frank is a big guy with strong arms and chest but he does have a bit of a belly. Frank and his son don't get along very well.
Sex: M
Age: 20’s
Height: 5,9
Tom is a college drop that stays at home with his dad. Tom is a 300lb fat guy, he does have big strong legs but as far as that, the rest is fat. Tom is a pretty chill dude but he’s super lazy and a slob. Tom can’t stand his dad
I love my son but I can’t stand his lifestyle choices. When he was at home, he didn’t do much but be in his room all day and play around on his computer. Well not only that, but he likes to be a complete fat slob too, he does stuff like not take care of his hygiene in general. I wouldn’t be so upset about his poor hygiene as much if he actually helped out around the house, he doesn't pay rent, bills, clean, or anything. All he does is get fatter and freeload off of me.
I thought I finally got rid of him by sending him off to college. He has a thing for technology so college should’ve been great for him, but unfortunately, things didn’t work out. After a few months, he dropped out. He said that college wasn’t a good fit for him and he asked if he could come back home. I was furious at him, all that money that I put into helping him get into college was all down the drain. I wasn’t gonna let him come back home but I wanted to be a “good dad” so I’d let him back, but I told him that he had a year to get back on his feet and move out.
It has now been a year later and he hasn't made any progress on moving out, if anything he got worse. He dirties up even more now, he eats up everything and he’s even lazier. We got into many arguments about him not doing anything to improve his situation, but he said he's working on this project that's gonna make him millions, but he hasn't even shown me what the project is.
Eventually, I got to my breaking point, I was sick and tired of his fat ass freeloading off of me, I didn’t care what he was working on, he had to go.