Taking careful steps up the mound of recently added food waste, you were close enough to reach the rim of the trash can with a simple jump. Lifting yourself up, you peek over the edge and see the kitchen is empty. You reasoned that this was good news; the last thing you need is to be avoiding Daphne’s footfalls as soon as you escape this dump. 

The broom she used to send you to this prison rested nearby against the wall. Seeing no other options, you took a deep breath and leaped across the gap between the bin and the broom, praying this wasn’t about to be the last decision you ever made. You collided with the broom handle, a quickly wrapped your arms and legs around it like a koala. Success! You definitely sustained some bruises, but you’d take that over a broken… everything. You began to shimmy down the pole, occasionally giving yourself a friction burn from grasping it too tight, until you reached the floor. 

You never thought you’d be so grateful to be tiny and stranded on the floor once again, but here you were; still alive, and with renewed determination to find Daphne. Staying close to the wall, and listening out for footsteps, you made your exit from the kitchen just in time to see Daphne walk into a room.


Where was she headed?

August 6, 2023
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