How bad could it get?

         You decided to go to the mall, maybe you would run into Layla while you were there. She was usually around the food court or one of the clothing stores. Layla was was nice to talk to, she was always optimistic and could see the bright side in anything. Sure she seemed to be a beacon for bad luck, but what was the worst that could happen?

         You took the bus down to the mall, it was noon once you arrived so Layla was probably at the food court. After walking to the food court you looked around and saw Layla sitting on one of the bar stools in the middle of the food court. You didn't see everything on her plate but you could see that she was eating two or three bean burritos. She was wearing a black skirt and a white shirt. You were about five feet from her when you slipped on something on the ground, at the same time Layla just let loose a long five second fart. The room was a blurr as you went spinning through the air but you didn't hit the ground right away. Five seconds after you should have hit the ground you landed head first against a hard surface and blacked out.

         When you awoke the first thing that you noticed was that the ground was now red and made out of plastic. You looked up and saw two large skin colored mountains with a black fabric like material that hung down from atop of them. The mountains began to come towards you, before you new it you were between the two of them and a few seconds later they stopped moving. You thought it was weird that the mountains were warm and then you heard Layla's voice as she asked herself, "Why do their burritos have to be so damn good?" That was when you realized that you weren't in an unknown land, you were on the bar stool that Layla was sitting on and these mountains were her asscheecks.


Layla let out a small fart and you imediantly diminished in size. Now you knew why you shrank in the first place, Layla's gas did this to you. You imediantly begand running out of her asscrack but you're movement's did not go unnoticed, Layla's index finger came and hit you in the stomach. Her finger effortlessly lifted you into the air as she began to adjust her white thong. She rubbed you up and down her thong as she made sure it was correct. Once satisfied her finger left the depths of her ass, leaving you on her thong. Not even a second later she pulled her thong tight against her skin. You weren't against her asshole but the smell told you that you were close to it. Considering Layla was still eating, you figured that you had about half an hour to get out of her ass before she became extremely gassy, unless she was already having seconds when you got here. You figured this had to be the full extent of the bad luck Layla seemed to give people, things could not get worse than this.

September 29
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