Courtney double checked to make sure that Angela wasn't looking before swiftly grabbing you, pulling back her thong and stuffing you between her cheeks. She made sure to put you right up against her rubbery anus before pulling up her thong and giving herself a wedgie. You were pressed tightly into the Giantesses asshole, it wasn't enough force to push you in but you couldn't move a muscle. Suddenly Courtney flexed her anus and it easily swallowed your head and torso inside. She left you there struggling to free yourself from her sphincter before releasing you, along with a small fart.


         Courtney smiled with glee as she pressed Gabe into the center of her anus, she could feel him easily and he was about the same size as it. She gave herself a wedgie to make sure he couldn't move, now she could play with him discretely. She flexed her butthole to show him that he was her plaything now. Once she relaxed it she could feel him inside of her asshole, she had to stop herself from laughing. She didn't mean to force him in but it did feel pretty good, she was going to let him out once she thought he got the message, but then she felt the need to pass gas. Her smile grew, she knew just how to let him out, she let out a small fart.

         Now Courtney was worried, she couldn't feel Gabe anymore. At first she thought that he must have been pushed in deeper. Then she felt him, he wasn't inside but he was about a quarter of the size he just was. She was confused before she started thinking about it, her fart must have shrunken him. Now Courtney was a bit scared, she wanted to play with him while he was at this size but she just ate a bean burrito. She either had to hold in her gas for the entire time she was at the park or make up an excuse to get home so that she could play with her toy.

September 29
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