Can't Escape Your Punishment by NotOnTime

"I think I'm going to shrink you down to the size you deserve!" Sunny declared.

Your eyes widened. This was bad. You were already an inch, any smaller and you'd be completely at her mercy. Well, not like you weren't already.

"You said my it was my fart that shrunk you, right? Well I think I got enough gas left in me to teach you a lesson." she smiled, rubbing her stomach.

"No, Sunny! Don't do this! I didn't mean to-!"

She didn't want to hear your excuses, and threw your tiny body down on the bed. You got to your feet, looking up to see her turn around. She bent her knees, looming her giant ass over you. It was big and round, much larger than it seemed when you first caught her sleeping naked. Her two beautiful pale cheeks cast a shadow over you as she arched her back, lowering her ass until it was like a roof over your head.

"Enjoying the view down there, creep? Get ready, because it's going to get a whole lot bigger."

It was now or never, you made a mad dash to the edge of the bed. It was going to be a long fall, but if you just managed to slip away from her then you'd be free. You could hide among her boxes of moving supplies or under her bed, anywhere but here.

Sunny's two hands came and pulled her giant ass cheeks apart. From where you were running her tight hole was positioned directly above you, huge and puckering.


The giant anus domed out and opened, blasting you with an enormous gust of smell. Her anal air was muggy and hot, it felt like it was bending the world around you. Your legs wobbled as you ran, trying your best to force yourself past the whirlwind of gas, but it wasn't enough. One breath of her giant fart was enough to make you start to shrink. Your footsteps got smaller, your body got tinier, and soon her fart was powerful enough to send you flying backwards.

With a dull thud you landed on a mound of her bedsheets, to you it looked like a tall hill. Sunny's ass looked even bigger than it did before, previously it was the size of a large house, but now her shapely backside was closer to being the scale of an entire street. The aftermath of her release still hung in the air, smelling rank and stinging your eyes. It was really bad, but by now it was dissipated enough that you didn't continue to shrink.

You didn't have time to be dazed and confused. You needed to get back on your feet and run away. The bed was much much bigger than it was before, the white landscape of her sheets spread out for a huge distance. If you were lucky, she might not have another fart ready for a while. It was your last chance to get out!

Sunny looked back over her shoulders, with her massive butt still pointed at you. It took her a couple seconds to see your tiny body, she had to wiggle her ass to look around it and spot you. She saw you running away, barely moving a few centimeters from her perspective.

"Trying to get away? Not so fast"

Her gigantic female body leaned backwards pressing her thighs into the edge of the bed. Your way out was blocked off! Worse than that, her anus was right above you again, ready to blow. Sunny pushed and expelled a huge droning fart, her anus widening to send a torrent of gas straight down on top of you. The force behind her fart was incredible, not only did it stop you from running but it slammed your body down flat against the bed. Hot grueling winds pumped out her asshole continuously, and due to its position above you, you couldn't move. All you could to was gaze into her dark open hole, as the horrible smell surrounded you and you felt yourself shrink again.

You could hear Sunny moan as the fart rang on, it was a really big one, so it must have felt great for her to let it out. On your end it looked like her anus was expanding, growing larger and larger until each of its wrinkles were bigger than a transport truck. Really, you were just getting smaller, powerless against her size of her fart. The brutal searing winds were holding you down, suffocating you in the stench of Sunny's bowels. When it ended, you had to be a fraction of an inch now, nearly microscopic.

Sunny pulled her ass back, away from your view, and brought her head close. It was even harder to find you than before, she had to look really close to see you. You could see every detail of her face, it was so gigantic that it was kind of scary. To have someone looking at you and not even be able to see the entirely of their head was unnerving. Sunny's eye's locked onto you, and then she deafened you with her voice.

"Wow! You're so tiny now!" she said, her words beating into your head like a drum.

She sniffed the air, and could smell her own gas.

"Man, that's pretty bad. You think so too right?"

You yelled at her but she couldn't hear you.

"Yeah well you deserve it! I think I've taken a liking to this, let's see how small I can make you."

She had that look in her eyes, like something had just been unrestrained. The truth was, dominating you with her farts felt really good for Sunny, better after each one she let out. It was so dirty, farting on a boy with her ass, but the way it made you smaller just made her want to overpower you more. She could still feel her ass bubbling, like it was eager for her to keep going. Smiling, the giantess picked you up with the pad of her finger, happy to start more of this kinky punishment.

Her index finger was gigantic compared to you, and before you could even think of your next move it started to rocket upwards. Sunny turned back around, presenting her godlike ass. You couldn't even see all of it at once, and the finger was bringing you closer to its crevice. Without warning Sunny pushed you deep between her cheeks into a world of ass flesh and heat. The smell was terrible, she had just let out a couple farts after all, and her skin still had the smell of gas sticking to it. A greasy film slathered your body as it was carried up her crack. It wasn't sweat, but leftover moisture from her farts mixed in with the oils of her skin.

Then, her finger slammed you up against a rubbery surface. It twitched and clenched, feeling your minuscule arms and legs. It was the giant girls anus, red hot from her last release. You wriggled to get away, but Sunny retracted her finger. The giant digit left and her ass cheeks closed in, leaving you smothered against her giant pucker. It was bigger than you could have known, if she has pushed you and harder against it you might have slipped between its folds and fallen inside. It smelled awful and pulsated against your body, like it was trying to chew you up inside its slimy wrinkles.

Suddenly Sunny sat on her bed, pounding you against her backdoor. The overbearing flesh squeezed you hard, pressing you deep against her anus. Loud groans gurgled from inside, announcing Sunny was straining to push her gas out. You screamed for mercy and her butthole erupted with a meaty fart, releasing another sweltering explosion of gas with you at ground zero. The blast hit you head on, mashing you against the reverberating folds of her anus for a second, before pushing you back through the girls rumbling butt cheeks. You body went tumbling back the way it came, carried with the sputtering gas as it slipped between the mounds of ass flesh. The girls thick juicy cheeks slammed down on you repeatedly, pummeling your body between their girth and creating the loud sound of her ripping on into the mattress. Soon you hit the bottom and had the full weight of her ass and fart pushing down on you.

It was impossible to see but you could tell that her butt was getting even larger as her fart continued. Sunny moaned, this time almost sexually, as she pushed the rest of her gas out. She was imagining how horrible it must be for you to be shrinking in her fart, under her massive ass cheeks. Her booty wiggled into the bed, digging you further into the sheets as she farted. The smell crept into the mattress, making sure to stay hot and potent, even after she was done letting it out. Sunny grunted and her anus expelled one last spurt, a potent stinky bubble of gas that popped through her cheeks and burst into your face. You coughed on the smell, worried of how big she was going to look when she lifted up her ass next.

September 20
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