Meeting Carmen

         You decided to go meet Carmen, she seemed like a very nice person and you wanted to try and be friends with her. You walked over to her room and saw that she wasn't in there. You walked into her room and looked around, It seemed as though she barley unpacked. The only thing's that weren't in boxes were her bed and a mess of clothes on the floor. You were going to leave the room but you tripped over one of the boxes. You turned you're self over so you were on your back and you were about to get up when a half awake Carmen walked through the door with only a towel on. She didn't even notice you on the floor as she entered the room. She didn't make it far though as she tripped over another one of the many boxes, she fell to the ground and landed next to you with her waist only an inch away from your face. You were about to get up when you heard her fart twice in quick succession. It smelled terrible, it was so bad it made you cough.
         When you opened your eyes not even a second later you noticed something was off, everything seemed much larger. The ground began to shake and you turned around to see a collosaul Carmen groan as she got up and said, "I need some coffee," before walking out the door completely naked, accidentally leaving the towel behind. You pinched your self saying, "this has to be a dream... this is impossible! I'm small... why am I small, I have to grow back... can I grow back?"
         A few seconds later, Carmen walked back through the door with her cup of coffee, still completely naked. "Carmen! Down here!" You shouted trying to get her attention as she walked to the middle of the room. She looked down at you before saying, "there you are," as she walked over to you. She stood directly over you before reaching down, but she didn't grab you, she grabbed something on either side of you. That's when you realized you were standing in the string of a massive white V-string thong, and Carmen was beginning to pull it up. Desperate to escape You screamed at the top of your lungs, "Carmen no! I'm down here! Carmen please help me!"

September 20
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