Meeting Jada

You decided to go meet Jada, maybe you would get lucky and catch her while she was taking selfies. You walked down to her room and saw that her door was open and you could see her wearing jean cutoff shorts and a small green t-shirt. She had her forearms planted on the ground with her head nearby and her legs were holding her ass as high in the air as she could. You noticed her camera timer go off and there was a flash of light. She groaned and said "Gabe, if you have something to say come here and say it, your ruining my shot." You could tell the camera was connected to her phone via Bluetooth because she didn't pick it up. As you walked into the room you heard her pass some gas and suddenly everything began to grow. "What the fuck?" you asked yourself now no more than an inch tall.

"Sorry, sometimes I accidentally let one slip when I'm doing poses like that and... where did you go?" She asked as she got up. Her camera went off behind you again and she quickly took out her phone and stared at it for a minute. You could tell by her face she was surprised. She started to search her bedroom floor and quickly found you and picked you up. "What the hell happened to you," she asked obviously just as confused as you were.

"I don't know, I walked in here, heard you fart and suddenly I'm an inch tall," you replied.

"I think it might have been the fart but I don't know," she said before giggling and asking, "do you want to test it?"


"Calm down I'm only joking."

"This is super weird, can you please help me find away to grow back."

"Hmmm... Well this is a once in a lifetime chance,"

"Chance for what?"

"To take pictures silly, I'll probably never be able to take pics of a tiny guy again. So let's make a deal you let me take as many pics as I feel like and then I'll do everything I can to help you."

"What... What do you have in mind?"

Jada thought to herself for a second before replying "well there is a lot I want to do but let's start by Taking a phew photos of you..."

September 20
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