You keep going, not wanting to put yourself in any dumb risks for the sake of an unpalatable exploration of an unconscious body, your thoughts focused more on the giant face that seems to very slightly rise and fall with her breathing and on what to do once you arrived there. At this size, would you even be able to wake her up?, would you even want to wake her up? what if she made a sudden movement and ended up crushing you before you could say anything, or if she got irritated at having her sleep interrupted and refused to help you. It was just a girl sleeping, a year or two younger than you maybe, but thanks to the malfunction from your device it was now in some ways a riskier mission than anything you have dealt with with your time in the fireflies or the WLF.

Other thoughts unrelated with the whole shrinking ordeal also occupy your mind as you slowly make your way around her arm, to avoid having to climb anything yet and risk waking her up but also to avoid that slight smell of body odor that was getting into you a bit too much if you kept going closer to her armpit. This was after all the girl with the immunity, the reason that bastard Joel murdered your father in cold blood. You couldn't help but both envy and resent her, and the fact that her presence was so magnified next to you also amplified those feelings but also stirred other stranger ones that made you look at her body again and feel a bit humbled someway by the whole experience. 

You wished you could shrink small enough to get in her body and extract the key to her immunity to save the world, you wanted to beat her up and berate her for having a murderer as a friend and not telling him about the value her sacrifice would have had, a part of you even wanted to protect her in a way, until the knowledge to get what was unique about her without killing her became somehow available to someone in this decaying world, but no. Right now you just needed her to save you, to fix the shrink ray and later..

"Fuck.. focus Abby, focus" you recriminate yourself not paying attention to the slight rumble coming from behind and the sudden movement from her arm and torso that caught you by surprise, making you jump back and cover instinctively even if that wouldn't have helped at all. Fortunately Ellie didn't turn again, she was simply stretching her legs a bit, finding a more comfortable position during her sleep, but it was enough of a warning. Time for less thoughts and increase the pace.

A few minutes later, you make it past her shoulders and neck, finally close enough to Ellie's face to decide what your next move should be. You could get close to her ear and try waking her up but she could turn her head and it would be bad for you. You could try from a safer spot climbing on her face, you could even just wait until she woke up and have a rest yourself to be prepared for your real target.

What happens next?

November 28 · edited November 28
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