Trusting in the finger beneath you seemed like the best option for now. Soon enough, Ellie's hand put down the pencil and began to rise to her face. You knew this was the right decision! Curiously, her eyes were fixated on the sketch below and not on your nor the hand at all. You get closer and closer until you can see your destination. Ellie's nose was inches away and already you were disgusted to see a wad of mucus leaking from one of its nostrils. Unable to evacuate your ride, you're forced to join the finger as it rubs into the runny nostril as Elli scratches her nose. Instantly your body is coated in a thick sheet of snot as your body is inevitably dislodged from the finger and deposited inside the nostril. Grabbing onto a thick nose hair, you desperately spit out the revolting substance in your mouth. You want to throw up, all around you more and more mucus is flowing from above, Ellie's nose was clearly runny from allergies or the start of a cold. The finger comes out below you and maneuvers to the side of the nose, the ground below you replaced with a blanket of white. This can only mean one thing. The walls of the nostril come closing in at blinding speed, you're submerged in a dense ocean of mucus before being obliterated between the two walls of skin.

Ellie blows her nose into the tissue and groans. Allergies were the worst and judging by the speck of red among her load, she was getting a nose bleed too...

August 28
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