The endless tapping of Ellie's feet did nothing to quell your nerves about climbing her body. Your best option for now was to wait things out and hope that the shoes in front of you come to a rest.

You wait, staring at these giant feet for a while until the chair they're connected to starts to move. You watch cautiously as Ellie grabs an old rag from her bedside table and blows her nose into it. The chair moves back and instead of resuming their tapping, Ellie's feet slide out of her sneakers and plant themselves on top of the shoes. Her socked toes are now just a couple of inches from your face. You nearly gag at the awful stench coming off them, immediately you crawl away desperate to avoid the pungent foot odor. However, something curious happens. Ellie's feet start to follow, likely stretching them out, her feet start to extend and soon completely take over you. Dwarfed by their size, you look up at the sock's sole right above you. It's riddled with small holes revealing the bottom of Ellie's foot. The intense heat and moisture raining down from it makes you nauseous as the foot slowly lowers to the ground. You try to crawl away but are caught completely beneath the big toe as it comes to a rest. The pressure isn't enough to crush you but more than enough to block off any fresh air from your lungs. What little air you do get comes from inside Ellie's sock, the sweat-logged fabric rinses your body beneath its grip. Between the overwhelming heat, the overpowering smell, and the downpour of foot sweat, you feel like you're going to suffocate under her unaware foot.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, a new song starts to play in Ellie's ears but instead of tapping her whole foot, it's just her toe. The first tap shatters your nose as it slams into you. The second crushes your jaw and some ribs, Your mouth hangs helplessly open, forced to taste the sock each time it smashes into you. Several minutes go by, you're severely concussed and just about every bone in your body is broken. The song ends and Ellie's toe settles back down. salty sweat drains into your paralyzed mouth, the air is completely shut off from your crippled nose, and you see nothing in the sweltering darkness beneath Ellie's foot. After suffering unimaginable hell, your brain shuts down. Your body continues to be abused beneath the tapping foot until it's little more than a red smear by the time Ellie goes to bed...

August 28
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