Billy nodded, though he couldn't muster the same enthusiasm. "Just promise you'll keep me safe," he pleaded, his voice quivering.

Mrs. Hartman nodded solemnly. "We'll make it work," she said, setting him down on the kitchen counter. "You'll go with Linda to college. It'll be a good way to keep an eye on you without raising suspicion."

Linda picked up the tiny figure of her brother, her hand enveloping him like a giant's. "This is going to be a wild ride," she said, a mix of excitement and doubt in her voice. She carefully placed him in the pocket of her hoodie, the fabric feeling like a coarse blanket to Billy's sensitive skin. The world outside the apartment was a blur of colors and sounds as they made their way to the car. The chilly autumn air bit at Billy's now-exposed body, making him feel even more vulnerable.

Once in the car, all moving with a purposeful stride that seemed to dwarf him further. He watched as Linda parked the car, her movements so much larger and more deliberate than his own. The engine rumbled to a stop, and she turned to him with a grin.

"You're coming with me," she said, her voice low and mischievous. "But you're not going to be in my pocket all day."

Billy felt a shiver of dread. "Where are you taking me?"

Linda's grin grew wider, more evil. "You're going in my booty," she declared, pointing to her rump. "It'll be like you're my little secret, and nobody will know you're there."

Billy felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Linda, no!" he protested, his voice high and desperate. "That's not part of the deal!"

"Oh, come on," she teased, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It'll be an adventure! And think of the stories you'll have to tell!"

Before he could protest further, she had plucked him from the safety of her palm and placed him in the dark, confined space of her ass.

The fabric of her jeans was rough against his bare skin, and the smell of laundry detergent was overpowering. "Linda, I can't breathe!" Billy's muffled cries went unheard as she stood up and pulled her hoodie back over her head.

"Don't worry, I'll check on you every hour," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But you've got to stay put. No one can see you, remember?"

Billy gritted his teeth, his hands balled into fists. He had agreed to live as a six-inch-tall person for 100 days, but this was not what he had in mind. He felt the car lurch into motion, the vibrations from the engine sending waves of nausea through his tiny body. He had to find a way to get out of this situation.

As Linda strutted across the college campus, her hips swaying in a way that made Billy's stomach turn, he realized that the only way to escape was to be as still and quiet as possible. He took shallow breaths, trying to ignore the suffocating sensation that washed over him every time she took a step.

He could feel the heat from her body, the fabric of her underwear clinging to him like a second skin. It was a sensation that was both terrifying and oddly comforting. He tried to focus on the voices and sounds of the outside world, the distant chatter of students and the rustle of leaves underfoot, but all he could think about was how utterly exposed he was. As Linda sailed through the college halls, her confident stride belying the secret she carried, Billy braced himself for the inevitable moment when she would sit down, trapping him in the confines of her crack.

When she finally did, the sudden pressure on his body was almost unbearable. He held his breath, willing himself not to make a sound as she settled into her seat. The classroom was a whirlwind of activity, students tossing books onto desks and chatting about their weekends. The professor, a stern-looking woman with spectacles perched on the end of her nose, began to lecture, her voice a distant drone that barely registered over the sound of his racing heart.

Billy felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead as the heat from Linda's body enveloped him. He squirmed, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the fabric of her underwear was unforgiving. He could feel every tiny shift in her posture, every muscle movement as she leaned back in her chair. He prayed that she wouldn't decide to adjust herself, The hours ticked by, each minute feeling like an eternity. Billy's legs cramped from being in the same position for so long, and he longed for the freedom to stretch. He knew he couldn't risk it, though. He had to stay put, hidden away in the shadow of his sister's ass, until she deemed it safe to let him out. 

As the lecture droned on, Linda leaned forward in her chair, her cheek resting in her hand. Billy felt a sudden gust of cooler air, a brief respite from the suffocating heat. He took a deep breath, his chest expanding slightly against the fabric. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, he heard a whisper so faint it was almost imperceptible.

"_" Linda's voice was a gentle breeze, her words barely audible.



August 17
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