He remains standing and calls Stiles

You consider whether to hide or try getting his attention but you quickly decide for the former as he starts pacing around his room. The problem wasn't even that you could be squished if you decided to follow him and made a bad move, the problem was that looking up you saw him busy with his cellphone so, as the teen you also were, you knew attempts to get his attention would be hopeless. You run and position yourself under the desk, happy that the smell of his bare feet is no longer that close to you and decide to just patiently wait once Scott was done, if you even wanted to get his attention that is.

"Where did you go dude? I wanted to hang out after practice.. Oh, well if he says so" You hear Scott talking with Stiles, the guy you recognize as the co-captain's best friend and not so great at Lacrosse from what you have seen. At first you don't pay attention to the chatter out of respect for not wanting anyone to eavesdrop into your conversations like that, until some of the things Scott says start sounding a bit strange.

"You are still researching for that? I told you, I can keep it under control, I feel I'm getting better at not shifting"

"Why would I talk to him? We still don't know if he's on our side or not, just because he's also a werewolf it doesn't mean he will just help me"

What the hell? you thought to yourself as the conversation seemed to mention mythological creatures and strange stuff that seemed taken from one of those scary myths with all sorts of monsters. Did he actually say he's a werewolf? You knew this town had some weird shit going on and knew from talking with other students how Scott's rise to team co-captain was a bit too sudden, but still, it was a bit hard to believe that was the cause. 

The call ended with Scott telling his friend it was ok for him to visit as long as he did it like a normal person, whatever that meant. And now as he went to the bathroom your plan to just try and grab his attention was interrupted which made you reconsider some things. Could this shrinking thing be also a supernatural event? Did that mean you were also some random weird creature now? Would reaching out to Scott be wise? He seemed to know about this stuff but you didn't know how would he react when he realized you knew his secret. Maybe you could just wait and reach Stiles? you didn't know if he was normal or not, but going from how he did at sports, you reasoned he was no werewolf at least. Finally you could just stay hidden and watch how true all of this was, maybe it was just some shared delusion by a couple of nerdy guys, as serious as it sounded. You didn't know.

What happens next?


November 12
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