Theo wants a turn to torture Stiles.
· original author:
All the boy's settled down from their boisterous laughter. The room was starting to have a distinct gassy stench as the three of their farts mixed together. Theo realized that he was now the only one of them that hadn't farted on shrunken Stiles -- he was determined to change that.

"C'mon Liam get off of him already," Scott was now pleading to the one who still didn't believe that Stiles was tiny in the first place.
"You really wanna take this joke as far as you can huh?" Liam retorted was a roll of his eyes. "Whatever, I guess it's not hard to humor you." Liam stood up, but as he forced his muscles to lift another fart snuck out. Prrrrfffp. it was enough to catapult Stiles back onto the post. Theo had the best vantage point to see what happened before anyone else could react he snatched up the retching teen in one quick motion. Theo felt more gas coming on. He tightened his lower abdomen muscles in order to keep it from moving downward. He wanted to save it all for Stiles.

Stiles could hardly breath in the sealed ass of Liam. He felt the bedpost leave his lower half before more hot air started to pressurize around him. The gas was vulgar and reeked of spoiled milk. Coughing did nothing as it was trapped around him, that was until it was strong enough to launch him backwards. Stiles felt himself land with a thump onto the bedpost as he gagged from the stench. He barely had time to react as a shadow eclipsed him and he was wrapped in a tight clammy fist.

As Liam turned around both him and Scott looked at the bedpost to see Stiles who wasn't there. Liam through up his arms in a huff. "See, I don't know why you kept insisting but you just revealed the truth." He said in an I-told-you-so kind of way.
Scott was genuinely confused. "He was right there!" He said as a defense.

Theo took this moment to hold up his tightly sealed fist containing the person they were both looking for. "I got him right here boys," He said triumphantly.
Liam shook his head, "of course you're in on it too. I don't get this, it's not even funny." He was starting to sound annoyed.

"Theo give him here, I wanna make sure he's doing alright." Scott said opening his palm.
"No can do amigo, see I'm the only one that hasn't had the pleasure of gassing out the runt here and I don't plan to let that go." Theo responded with a smug expression. He felt Stiles squirming in his fist trying to escape but he just squeezed a little tighter in response.

Scott wanted to help out Stiles, especially since he said they wouldn't go too far but Theo was right and he should get a chance to fart on their miniature friend. "All right, you get one fart then we're gonna help Stiles get cleaned up and make sure he's okay." Scott said like a responsible parent.
Liam continued to roll his eyes at there childish exchange not knowing what they were actually putting Stiles through.
Theo couldn't contain his joy at Scott's approval, "Yes Yes" He said excitedly. Theo Stood up fully and put one foot onto Scott's bed, His tight muscular cheeks covered in only sweatpants parted. "Is it all right if I put him on the inside of my pants? I think they'll filter out too much." Theo asked innocently.
Scott thought about it for a moment. "All right but you can't put him in your underwear." He said trying to be fair.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Theo said with a devious smirk, Scott didn't know that he was going commando today. He reached around and stuck his hand down the back of his shorts. Moving his sealed fist inward, he felt it finally brush into his hairy asshole. He cupped his handed against it and felt Stiles' small hands pressing against the sensitive skin. Theo was still holding in his gas and he began to fill with excitement. He loved the idea of putting Stiles of all people through this vile torture. He felt the tiny boy struggling against his anus and continued to hold out as long as he could. He was clenching his asshole tight to keep anything from escaping until he felt like there was enough in one fart. He felt his ass lips quiver as his gut churned and more foul air made it's way down. He felt Stiles thrashing become more desperate.

Theo couldn't hold back a shit-eating grin as he closed his eyes and let loose. BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. A loud percussive blast echoed in the room. Theo felt the hot air leaving his cupped hand as he held it firmly against the source. A vile eggy stench wafted up around him and both Scott and Liam started to cough.
"Oh god that's rank!" Liam exclaimed while rushing to the door to leave the room.

Stiles could once again hardly breath. This time it was because of how tightly Theo was gripping him. Stiles knew that Theo hated him ever since he rejoined the pack and was fearful of what he was about to be put through. Scott was here though, right? He reasoned to himself that his best friend would surely keep things from getting even more out of hand. Stiles finally was able to inhale as the fist around him loosened, he wished he couldn't, however, as his lungs filled with the stench of Theo previous farts. He coughed out and turned to try and get away. Turning was the wrong move as he was now face to face with Theo's orifice. Everything was dark but Stiles could make out the slimy skin and tried pushing it away. He was being forced closer to it and his hands could do nothing to stop it. He was right underneath it with Theo's hand forming a seal around him, effectively trapping him in a chamber of stink with nowhere to go.

Stiles could see and feel the ring of flesh before him start to vibrate and flex as it tried to contain what was on the other side. The intense quivering let out a small prrrrft of air. Stiles had no choice but to breath the rancid fumes. It was foul and eggy and Stiles had no idea how someone could produce such a stench. He filled with fear as he realized it was far from done and he thrashed around. "Please don't do this!" Stiles cried out to deaf ears. Tears streamed down his face as he felt the anus start to push out towards him. The asshole suddenly widened to the size of Stiles' upper body as gale winds came billowing out. Stiles could feel the intense blast of pressure pelt into his chest as it knocked the wind out of him. His body thrashed as he tried to inhale against his will. The pressure was too much and his throat remained sealed. Finally the turbulent winds stopped and Stiles felt his lungs began to decompress. as he inhaled his chest retched from the rank air. "Dear God!" He screamed in his mind. The air was so dry and hot that his throat started to get scratchy.

"Dude! what crawled up your ass and died?" Scott asked Theo between coughs. He gripped his computer chair and looked the other way as he tried to keep from vomiting.

Theo saw this as his only opportunity to humiliate Stiles even more. He felt more gas making it's way out and did nothing to stop it this time. He could feel that Stiles was still thrashing in his hand and figured he was ready for round two. Theo's jaw went slack and he let out a drawn out sigh as silent wind came seeping out of his hole. He could feel the hot humid wind against his palm, he thought it would be short but the dense hot air kept on leaking out making the skin of his hole burn. After a second straight of the SBD, both Scott and Theo could hear a high-pitched blood curdling scream coming from Theo's ass. Theo almost started to feel bad but his gas kept spewing, long outlasting the scream. His palm started to feel wet before his asshole finally sealed again. He let out another sigh and when this gas finally reached them both him and Scott began to gag. The spicy sulfuric stench was almost too much for them and Scott ran over to open a window. "Holy Fuck!" He coughed while sticking his head out into the warm night air.

Stiles was trying to recover from the previous blast, his ears were ringing and he was gasping out in short breaths as he tried to fight against his entrapment. He saw the anus before him start to shake again making Stiles cry out. The hole opened and hot wet air came leaking out like fog lowering all around him. It felt like pure acid and Stiles could feel his skin start to tingle. His eyes started pouring water from the burning. The gas wasn't relenting and he had to inhale. As it went into his lungs he couldn't hold back a throaty scream that made his chest burn even more. The hot air kept seeping around him and he felt like he was on fire. chunks of shit and ass juice squirted onto him and Stiles felt his body start to shut down. He was being coated in a layer of Theo's ass juice and could hardly fathom what was happening. His scream ended and he had to breath in more. His lungs inflated and he lost all control of his body. His vision blurred as he started blankly spasming repeatedly.

Liam made his way back into the room. As he stepped in he started gagging out too, "What the fuck is wrong with you Theo?" He asked causing the other two boys to burst out laughing again. Liam quickly left the room again to try and get some clean air.

Theo finally pulled his hand from his pants and looked down at Stiles. He was laying prone, his body twitching and spasming occasionally. His chest and face were speckled with tiny yellow chunks and droplets and it looked like he was layered in a sheen of sweat. Theo's own hand was covered in a film and he was slightly disturbed. He could see Stiles begin to convulse and bright him closer to his face. The stench was horrible but he wanted to see what was happening. Stiles coughed out a yellow tinted air before he went back to his spasming. Theo couldn't hold it and burst out laughing right in Stiles' face. Scott came over from the window after he recovered and he two began laughing hysterically when he was Stiles' condition. Their laughing finally ended and Scott spoke out as he got his composure back. "In all seriousness though...
July 19