...I have messy intestines"
"If you knew how to douche we wouldn't waste our toys" Ethan says playfully before kissing him.
You, on the other hand, start to panic, you try to escape but you're too weak.
"Look at how he wiggles, it will feel so good" Jackson says cockily as he starts to lower you.
You see his ass getting bigger as he makes you closer, then you enter the crack and a terrible smell of sweat and shit assault you. But the worse is coming, just in front of is a pink hole, and you're heading right in it. Soon your face hit the pucker. But Jackson doesn't stop here, he pushes you and your head enter into the nasty anus. Now you get what he meant by messy. The flesh walls are covered in shit, you can't open your mouth or you'll eat gallons of shit. The air is so toxic it makes you cry. Jackson keeps pushing until only your feet and ankles are outside. You're covered in shit, you try to squirm out of here but it only pleasure him more.
Then while they have sex you feel a hand touching your feet.
July 19