Up Close and Personal
· original author:
Your poor, tiny body was trapped right against his stinkhole now, face pressed deep into the middle of the sphincter, being rubbed by the grimy, slimy wrinkles of his anus. Unluckily for you, it seems that Scott hasn’t noticed your tiny body and that he won’t be noticing it any time soon, though you can hear his stomach gurgling and growling heavily as his lunch from earlier continued to digest. Furthermore, Scott was finding great fun and a strange new pleasure in passing his gas as a result of your tiny body. As his stomach burbled and groaned, his bowels would begin to fill up with the next fetid blast that you would get to experience in your Dutch oven chamber.

FRRRRT!! BLLLRRRRT!! Bbbllllrrrrrt..

Scott let out a soft moan, his massive pucker now opening up and letting out his toxic blasts as his anus bulged around your face, encasing it in a kiss before releasing its contents right onto and into you. The series of rather wet blasts tapered off a small bit at the end into a quiet bubbling as the air around you heated up, reeking heavily of rotten garlic, rotten eggs, raw sewage, and spoiled cheese products. It was a good indication of the Italian food he had had for lunch before his game, which was now wrecking havoc on his insides, unfortunately for you. As the series of farts spewed out onto you, it granted you a glimpse into the inside of his ass, covered in slimy waste and grease from his diet, the air thick and foul.

Scott meanwhile was having an amazing time at the expense of your unaware torture, moaning softly as his pucker rubbed against your face, giving of a rather lovely sensation for him as he began to grow hard, his body heating up again as your prison also became covered in sweat as he moved to start rubbing himself off. Now you had to deal with his incredibly potent musk as well as his sweltering, rotten gas.

Worse yet was the fact that all his movement had caused your head to get lodged inside his anus, clenching around your neck as your head was now trapped inside the dirty confines of his ass.
July 19