When Daisy saw the subject of the new DM in her inbox, her eyes went wide. "Whoa."


You Have One (1) New Message From: GoonerHaze69


"Is that Hazel?" Shaking off the lingering shell shock of being pulverized by Daisy's colossal butt, Max strained his eyes to see what she was reacting to. "What's she saying?"


"Yeah," said Daisy, carefully placing Max down on the bed and pulling her laptop onto her chest to respond. "She said she found out what you got dosed with. Should I tell her to come over?"


"What?" Max froze. "I... absolutely, yeah!" 


"Cool," said Daisy, returning her hands to her keyboard. "I'll-"


"Yo! D!" Before Daisy could start typing, there was a voice at the door—quite obviously Hazel's. "Open up!"


"That was fast," said Daisy, rolling out of bed and hastily slipping on the same t-shirt and sweatpants she'd been wearing all day—seemingly the cleanest set of clothes she currently had, judging by the thick layer of dirty pants, shirts, socks and underwear on the floor. "Just a minute, Hazel!"


Watching Daisy shimmy her colossal thighs, hips and butt into her sweatpants, Max couldn't help marveling at just how curvy she was—and just how much power those curves held. Hearing a barely-audible fart squeaking out of her crack as she finally got her pants into place, he shuddered.




"Whoops! Hehe, sorry, didn't mean to waste that one." Daisy shot a grin back at Max, giving her hips a shake for his benefit. "I'll make sure the next one goes right in your face." 


Paralyzed with uncertainty, all Max could do was force a nod. "Oh... c-cool."


Mistaking Max's discomfort for nerves, Daisy giggled. "You're so cute when you're horny, you know that?"


"D!" Outside, Hazel seemed to be growing impatient. "Door!"


"One sec!" When Daisy opened the door, she found Hazel smiling ear to ear. "Hey there. You seem..." She squinted. "Happy?"


"Very," said Hazel, smile expanding. "Just did a couple tests. You want the good news first, or the bad?" 


"Hmm..." Daisy looked back at Max, then returned her attention to her neighbor. "I guess let's start with the bad?"


"Cool." Walking up to Daisy's bed, Hazel looked down at Max and grinned. "Bad news, it's gonna take at least a year to get miniguy here back to normal."


Daisy scowled. "A year?"


"Maybe more," said Hazel, shrugging. "Turns out the serum he got dosed with was one of mine. But it's, like, super experimental. So we'd have to make a whole new antidote from scratch. Which isn't exactly something I can pursue full time, what with my busy gooning schedule and all."


Daisy sighed. "You're serious, aren't you?"


"Very," giggled Hazel. "I'll see what I can do, but it looks like you're gonna be stuck with this dude for a bit." 


Meanwhile, Max's jaw was on the floor. Just when he was starting to get his head around this whole situation, it had gotten even more unfathomably worse. He could barely imagine being stuck like this for a whole year—especially on the heels of everything Daisy had just put him through.


"That's fine," said Daisy, offering Max the warmest smile she could muster. "I don't mind looking after him."


Doing his best to match Daisy's expression, Max could barely conceal the uncertainty in his eyes. While the giant shut-in still seemed a lot more level-headed and dependable than her neighbor, it seemed increasingly clear that she also harbored a serious libido—and saw him as the perfect outlet for it. 


"Spare me the romcom shit." Hazel snorted, rolling her eyes. "Anyway... you wanna hear the good news?"


Hearing this, Max couldn't help perking up. Maybe, just maybe, there was some kind of silver lining here. From what he'd seen of Hazel so far today, he wouldn't have put it past her to have some kind of harebrained scheme in her back pocket to turn everything around. "Y-yeah?"


"The good news," said Hazel, licking her lips. "Is that now I get to claim my prize."


All at once, any hope Max had foolishly allowed himself to regain was dashed to pieces. He probably should have seen that coming.


Above him, Daisy sighed. "Do we have to do this right now, Hazel?"


"We don't have to." Hazel smiled. "I just figured you might want to get it over with."


For a moment, Daisy was silent. This day had already been a total roller coaster—from finding Max in the common room, to volunteering herself to Hazel to spare him from her neighbor's depravity, to several of the best orgasms of her life, to right now, discovering that she'd probably be stuck with her new best friend and favorite sex toy for at least a year. All she really wanted to do right now was continue fucking Max's brains out—partially for her own gratification, and partially to try and cheer him up. Compared to that, subjecting herself to Hazel's ravenous appetites had very little appeal. Then again, her genius gooner neighbor wasn't wrong—she really wouldn't mind getting it over and done with. 


"Alright," she said, finally, taking a deep breath and pulling down her sweatpants. "Fine. Let's do this."


As Daisy's colossal, cellulite-covered ass emerged from her sweats, Hazel's eyes looked like dinner plates. From Max's perch on the bed, he could swear he almost saw a thin strand of drool protruding from the buck-toothed gooner's mouth. "Oh, baby," she said, licking her lips again.


Turning around to present her rump to her neighbor, Daisy rested both her arms on the bed—which put her face to face with the three-inch-tall freshman still standing on her comforter. As their eyes met, she couldn't help blushing. Then, as Hazel knelt down behind her, her expression became a mix of surprise and arousal.


Wasting no time claiming her prize, the huge horny nerd grabbed the giant shut-in's colossal cheeks with both hands, spreading them and burrowing her tongue into Daisy's sweaty, funky crack. She'd fantasized about this moment since she'd first laid eyes on her neighbor over a year ago, and getting to experience the real thing was even better than she'd imagined. Pulling away one of her hands and slipping it down into the front of her underwear, she quickly began going to town on herself just as vigorously as she was going to town on Daisy's pucker.


For her part, Daisy found herself enjoying the whole experience more than she'd expected. While she'd loved the sensation of having Max's tiny face pressed against her asshole, Hazel's full-sized and very eager tongue was something else entirely. She struggled to believe that her fetid gooner neighbor had ever been in the position to do anything like this before—but right now, she was exploring her ass with something like practiced precision. The closest thing she could compare it to was a power-washing—Hazel's tongue covering every inch of the space between her cheeks repeatedly, even extending up into her sphincter several times in the process. Before she knew it, she was following Hazel's lead in bringing one hand down to her already-dripping sex.


While this was happening, Max got a front-row seat to the strangest show he'd ever seen — two giant, chubby, slobby, smelly amazons, both moaning with guttural pleasure, immersed in the most intense rimming session imaginable — and the more he saw, especially Daisy's huge, watermelon-sized breasts jiggling pleasantly in front of him with her every movement, the more he found himself getting just as aroused as they were.




"Sorry!" Squeaked Daisy, blushing as her fumes washed over her neighbor's face. "That just slipped out, I didn't mean to-"


"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Peeling her tongue out of Daisy's ass for a moment, Hazel scoffed in genuine disbelief. "That was awesome, keep going!"


As Daisy processed what her neighbor was saying, Max saw the expression on her face shift from embarrassment to something like horny amusement—the same kind of look she'd given him after he'd promised to be okay with her sitting on his face. "Alright," she said, "you asked for it..."








Over the next several minutes, with no reason to hold herself back, Daisy proceeded to rip several more earth-shattering farts into Hazel's face—and as far as Max could tell from the frantic pace of the hand Hazel still had down her pants, the buck-toothed genius seemed to be loving every minute of it. By the time the two fetid giantesses were nearing their respective climaxes, the room smelled like a sewer. Then, as Daisy finally brought herself to another massive orgasm, she let rip one more time. 




As her final fart washed over Hazel's face, her gooner neighbor reached a similarly-messy climax, squirting all the way through her sweatpants and covering her whole hand in slime. "Oh fuuuuuuckkkkk..."


Seeing this shared peak happening, Max felt his involuntary arousal becoming impossible to conceal. By the time the two giant undergrads shook off their shared moment of smelly, slimy afterglow, his boner was harder than ever.


"That was... wow," breathed Daisy, shaking her head in disbelief at just how much she'd actually liked having Hazel eating her ass.


"You said it," panted Hazel, licking the hand she'd been using to pleasure herself before noticing Max's boner. "Aww... looks like miniguy felt a little left out."


Realizing both giantesses were now staring at him, Max frantically clapped a hand over his groin—but they'd already seen all they needed to see. 


"Maybe," said Hazel, wiggling her eyebrows and giving Daisy's left cheek a surprisingly tender smooch. "We go for round two? And this time, we get him in on the fun?"


August 22
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