Looking around the mysterious common room again, Max immediately got several clues about his current location. To his right is a wall of photos, some going back a hundred years and many featuring large women sitting upon smaller men. To his left is a massive TV on a dark wood cabinet, currently playing The Nightmare Before Christmas, with a row of queening boxes across from it. Behind him was a gigantic mural depicting a collection of gothic-dressed women standing or sitting atop collared men, placed just above a black leather couch, with handcuffs, fishnets, and throw pillows in the shape of skulls thrown across it. Putting all this together, Max wheezed in worry when he realized he had woken up in House Juno—the sorority known to everyone else at Ventus U. as the “Goth House”. 


If the girls in USD were the most down-to-earth and the Gooners in Proserpina were the grossest, then the ladies in house Juno were the scariest, not just for their Hot Topic fashion sense but also for being a near-cult established by the University's founder almost a century ago, focused on feminine domination over masculine weakness. The girls here, while an eclectic mix of academic focuses are united in their desire to see women on top of men in every possible meaning of the phrase. They have social media campaigns, websites, pamphlets, and even books sown into many aspects of campus life that make their ideas hard to miss and are, supposedly, worming their way into more scientific and political means to make their ideas a reality. They have some of the deepest roots in the university administration and culture, making them some of the most well-connected of all the sororities and also most dangerous for anyone who self-identifies as male. 


Max knew this was a DANGEROUS place to find himself in. Juno girls have pulled lots of guys off campus, and those unlucky enough to be physically interested are brow-beaten into boy toys and subs who just as often get terminated for not showing up to class. Max knew some of these girls no doubt could get him into contact with someone who could fix him, but prioritizing someone who could keep him safe might be the move, in the short term at least. 


The first person to come to mind at Juno was Ophelia Kidd, a fellow freshman from his Intro to Biology class. Usually seen dressing in all black and wearing a heap of makeup, the 4’9” girl seemed to have fit into the campus's gloomiest sorority like a glove. Still, she was always relatively friendly to Max in their few classroom interactions, which made him think she might be his safest bet in here—and she was likely too new to the Juno philosophy to be much of a risk to his safety. 


Max would need someone powerful to help him eventually, and no one fits that description more than the senior Kali Chandra. A 6’4” titaness of an Indian woman who is essentially the leader of Juno, ruling with an iron fist, a double D rack, and a giant butt that, if the rumors were true, could fit an entire jack-daniels bottle vertically or horizontally without anyone being the wiser. Max had never met her, but the horror stories of her relentless bullying of any guy who slighted her and the infectious way she brought new girls into the fold of Juno’s philosophy made her power all too clear. Max doubted someone like Kali would help out of the goodness of her heart, but he hoped the prospect of a tiny man was enough of a novelty; she would be more inclined to at least learn what caused it and, hopefully, from there, how to reverse it…if not induce it. 


The perfect middle ground between power and safety in Juno is Alexandra Ventus, the dorm mother and granddaughter of the university founder. A spitting image of Morticia Addams, if she was 200 pounds with incredible curves, Alexandra no doubt had some deep connections to the university administration that could springboard into a way to help Max. Max had never met her, but he’s heard she was shockingly pleasant and motherly for the dorm mother of a femdom house. Alexandra might be the best chance he had at not becoming a sex toy the moment he is discovered and return to his standard height…if he knew where even to look. 


House Juno was not even a proper dorm but a refurbished victorian mansion, perhaps the most unnavigable place he could be without any prior experience here. Ophelia or Alexandra were still the safest options, so hiding under the couch or in the TV cabinet till either walked by would be wisest. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he heard the door open on the other side of the room before he could put either plan into action.


When he turned around, he found himself face to face with...

July 11 · edited August 6
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