Spiraling Out of Control

It didn't take long for Evelyn to find the quickest yet most humiliating way to dispose of her experiment. It was beautiful really, so when Evelyn dumped 015 onto her palm and plopped it into the toilet, she couldn't help buck cackle sadistically. Not bothering to flush, she decided instead to let the next occupant have the honor, that or it would just drown in the meantime.

You spat and sputtered, splashing cold water all around you. What kind of twisted human could ever think to do something like this? Unfortunately, you had always been a good swimmer, meaning you weren't lucky enough to drown before the inevitable. Paddling over to the side of the toilet, you cling to the slick porcelain and wait. It was over an hour before you hear the door swing open.

"I'll be out in a minute Eve, work was a disaster today!" The booming of the man's voice echoed throughout the space of the bowl. You watch as the shadow of his enormous bare ass fills the opening above, catching a glimpse of his dark asshole and colossal balls descending into view. This was unbelievably sick, you want to die as a torrent of piss erupts from the man's head, pummeling the wall next to you and quickly staining the water yellow. The sight, sounds, and smell were too much for you to handle, you push off the wall and float towards the center of the bowl screaming up at the deity above. His weight shifts and for a moment you think he hears you, but instead an explosion bursts from his massive anus, spewing pungent gas from its depths. It was hopeless, Your sanity cracks and you begin to sob uncontrollably.

Your misery is short-lived, the asshole wasn't done with you yet, and not too long after, it unleashes a colossal turd upon you. The impact pulls you miles below the surface, you body stuck fast to the toxic mass is unable to move nor escape the onslaught as more logs fall one after another. Your vision goes dark as the water around you spirals violently. Your last glimpse of consciousness is of a nearby piece of waste barreling toward you...

September 21
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