The Johnson's were not high on Evelyn's list of friends. They would often through large cookouts, flexing their shimmering pool, colorful garden and massive patio. She couldn't stand their smugness and rather than suffer the guilty conscious of actually killing another human being, it would be far easier to put that burden on her neighbors, the blubbering idiots that they were. If 015 survived the near constant stream of house guests and yard workers, then it'd surely be at the mercy of their twin children who had a knack for catching and torturing bugs.

Evelyn quickly made her way down the sidewalk and approached the neighbor's yard. While not as extravagant as the back, it did have a large hedge between their properties and bordering the driveway. Making her way over to the car, Evelyn unscrewed the vial and haphazardly dumped her subject in front of a wheel and disappeared back to her home before anyone could notice.

Your world having turned upside down, you now found yourself next to a car wheel the size of a skyscraper. The front door sat atop a porch deck and would take much time to access whereas the backyard might be a better option for survival.

July 6
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