Just a Walk in the Park

The park was modest in size, containing a newly renovated playground, flat land with benches for picnicking, and winding trails along its border. Such serenity would provide the perfect cover and with any luck draw the least amount of eyes to it. Already the park was bustling with families and people enjoying the hot summer day and the fast approaching end of the school year. Dr Wright plopped herself down onto the nearest bench and unfastened the rubber stopper from the vial. The mite-size person inside quivering in fear beneath her gaze, something about the whole situation made her feel especially powerful. "Goodbye 015 enjoy your new home while you can".
With a wicked smirk the calculating scientist rolled the vial under the park bench behind her feet and into the vast stretch of grass behind her.

You couldn't even begin to describe the situation you were now in. Screwed? No, you were positively fucked and left to rely on basic survival skills to make your way back home and get big again. The cold glass walls of the vial were rather comforting compared to the ravenous ecosystem outside. Already you could hear the skittering of horse-like insects, scavenging for any morsel of food which probably now included you! Inch by inch you gathered enough courage to lead out of the vial and onto the soggy soil beneath it. You were surrounded by a dense forest of grass blades and weeds. Casting a ominous shadow over you was the massive park bench which luckily now sat vacant. Further beyond the megalith was a great sea of asphalt sprawling infinitely in both directions. The park path was an absolute last resort as you imagined all the gruesome deaths coupled with it. Your best guess was to climb the bench and get the next occupants attention, a task much easier said than done. You could also venture deeper into the forest to scavenge for food and supplies from picnics or from the playground. Time was already being wasted gathering your sense so without further interruption you decided to...

May 22
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