Lucy was watching TV when she heard Gwen's room door slam because Gwen had woken up and had already done her morning exercises because on a normal day Gwen wakes up at 4:00 AM and does 80 push-ups, 80 sit-ups , 80 squats and lifts 300 pound weights for an hour plus he never uses deodorant and sometimes goes weeks without showering but on the weekend he gets up at 6:00 AM and since he just left his room that means who finished her exercise and was drenched in sweat and overflowing with a sour smell.

"HELLO ANT!" Gwen shouted as she approached her puny sister Lucy who responded "hello Gwen *sniff* YUCK THAT SUCKS!" Lucy reacted to her sister's disgusting smell "What's the problem ant? hahaha yes you don't like it..." Gwen took off her sock revealing her foot soaked in sweat and dirt "...I think this will be worse hahahahaha" Gwen He brought his wet and stinky foot closer to Lucy only to step on it "mmmp! Get up now mmmmp! Your foot is heavy mmmp! and it smells disgusting mmmmp!" Lucy said breathlessly because of her colossal foot on her but finally Gwen removed her sister's disgusting enzyme foot that was pressed against her on the seat of the couch.

"T-Thank you... Thank you Gwen..." Lucy said, thanking her for a little mercy from her older sister, but suddenly Gwen's big, strong hand caught her tiny body and brought it in front of her face, dripping with water. sweat and as they were face to face Gwen said "did you say thank you? hahahaha I'm just getting started" Gwen then began to lift her toned arm revealing her armpit with some small hairs and the worst smell imaginable "oh no" Lucy said to Gwen He smiled and said "oh yeah" and immediately smashed Lucy's little face against his stinking armpit and then rubbed it hard, choking Lucy and then pulled her out and said "and now the best" Gwen took Lucy to her butt with one hand and With the other hand, he stretched the elastic of his tracksuit, revealing his large buttocks, where he dropped Lucy between the enormous, tight mountains of sweat-soaked flesh between which he submerged himself "see you later ant haha" Gwen said to which Lucy responded "WAI -" He couldn't finish speaking because Gwen loosened the elastic of her sweatpants, leaving Lucy in the stench and sweat.

May 17
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