"I'M HUNGRY!!! {i}I NEED FOOD!!!"{/i}
Equestria Invading Chapter 5
· original author:
"You heard her." Celestia said

"Celestia, get me out of here!" Cadence said

"Oh Cadence. It's not as simple as turning a key. We have to be tactful." Celestia said

"What!? You could level this place!" Cadence said

Celestia chuckled "Well duh. But wouldn't you be hurt? I imagine Shining would be quite displeased to see you hurt. And can you imagine how horny he'll be when he gets you back?" Celestia asked

Cadence blushed "Celestia is this really the company you want to talk about this in front of?" Cadence asked

"I'm just saying, Shining's dawned a chastity belt as he waits for you. Just imagine how how blue he'll be!" Celestia said

Cadence was quiet "I gotta say Cadence I'm pretty jealous of you. Getting to hang there with a handsome stallion waiting for you, just wanting you more and more. The long he waits the more explosive he'll be when he gets you back. Heck I might just get ten nieces out of it." Celestia joked

"Celestia!" Cadence protested before snorting "And where's my food!?" She yelled

"Here! We got it!" Frank said as he got a pile of protein bars putting them on the grown

"Think man! How can Cadence eat with her hands chained and her horn disabled?" Celestia asked

"I guess we gotta feed her." Andre said

"And be sure to be gentle with her. They don't call Shining the iron wall of Canterlot for being cuddly." Celestia said

Cadence ravenously took the first bar, chewing it from the wrapper, before she huffed and the wrapper came off "More!" She yelled and we did so, in half an hour Cadence ate two weeks our protein bars, her flat stomach turned to a mound "My Somepony sure seemed hungry." Celestia said

Cadence groaned before looking angry again "Hey!" She called our attention before demanding...
April 19
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