· original author:
Welcome to Yamaku Academy! The prestigious school for disabled children! You've been attending this place for just under a week now and you had to admit; despite the obvious, Yamaku is just like any other school you've been to. And you've been to a lot! Your 'disability' is an anxiety-triggered tendency to reduce dramatically in size. Basically, being uncomfortable makes you shrink. You've been known to shrink for seemingly no reason before but you can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened. Anyway, for various reasons, you've been shifted from school to school. Bullies, general environmental hazards and, above all, people just plain didn't know what to do with you. But this place will be different! After all, it's a school that prides itself on handling the individual needs of each and every student whilst ensuring academic success across the board.

You've been sticking to the library during your free sessions and break periods. You've never been one for crowded areas and there's always a lady at the desk if you need help with your medicine or whatever. The medicine you take basically brings you back to normal size. Your doctor explained how it works to you when he prescribed them but that was such a long time ago you've not remembered for a while now. But, when you have one of your shrinking episodes, it's hard to get in your bag and open the bottle by yourself so it's nice having someone nearby to help if it comes down to it.

Anyway, science with Mutou just finished so you're headed into the library to get your head down and start studying for the thirty minutes or so. Hanako, a girl in your class is sat on a bean bag at her usual spot. She looks up and you smile at her. That's about the extent of your interaction. Has been since the day you started here. Oh well. You are still new. You're sure she'll come around eventually and, at the very least, say hi.

Hidden away between two bookshelves is Yuuko, the aforementioned lady who is always at the desk.

You walk over and greet her with a chipper "Morning, Yuuko!", slightly startling her.

"Gah! Oh," she smiles softly at you, "good morning."

"Didn't mean to scare you. Sorry."

"No, no, it's okay, really! I was just deep in thought is all."

"Something bothering you?"

You haven't really had a conversation this long with Yuuko, or anyone here, before. It feels nice. You felt like you were starting to bother her, but, this is nice.

"It's nothing, really. Someone put these books back in alphabetical order according to title instead of author so I'm just re-doing it while I have a minute."

"Right." you still feel like you're bothering her, so you decide to cut the conversation off now. "Well, I've got stuff to do, too, so, I'll let you carry on. Talk to you later."

You go around the corner to scan the titles of a few books. Nothing catches your eye so you decide to venture over to the graphic novels section. As you get closer, you notice a familiar sensation in your stomach. Oh, great. Looking around, you see the room getting bigger and the ceiling getting further away. You instinctively reach for your bag on your shoulder but stop when you realize it's not there.

"Fuuuck." you whisper, remembering you left your bag in the classroom. By now, you're barely able to reach the bottom shelf of the bookcase beside you. Looking to your left, you see Yuuko's shoes in the adjacent row to yours. You run under the bookcase and cautiously approach her feet. As you assess her enormous body to figure out the best way to get her attention, a solution hands itself to you in the most dangerous possible way.

"Oops!" you look up at Yuuko to see a giant book coming straight for you. You dive and find yourself cheating death by a split second. Yuuko bends down to pick up the book she clumsily dropped, damn near killing you and you take the opportunity.

"YUUKO!! DOWN HERE!!" you run around jumping and waving your arms. She seems to be paying you no heed so you scream louder and hop onto the book. "YUUKO, PLEASE!" the book shifts underneath you as she grabs it. You see no alternative but to...
February 17
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