Monica finds you

You hid back under the reeking fabric of Monica's used thong, you didn't know how any girl could cause something to smell so bad. You heard Monica yawn and ask herself, "Qué noche, oh... I wonder if he's where I left him?" You and the smelly thong were immediately lifted into the air until you were face to face with Monica. "Hola Mark, I see your enjoying your present, I spent a lot of time making it for you, I wore that thong sense graduation. I had a diet of pretty much every food that's known for making people gassy and of course I sweated a lot when I was working it off."

"What the hell is wrong with you and what did you do to me?" You asked pissed off at the giant bitch.

Monica smirked and said, "I'm doing what ever I want with you, that was the deal after all, you are my property now. Let me remind you, last night you confronted me about how I treated Cindy and I said that I would leave her alone if I got to have you, although you probably didn't quite understand what I meant."

"I was drunk!"

"I know and I don't care, I was going to shrink you when I got you alone, but this was much better. You willingly agreed to be my property. Oh, speaking of which," Monica paused for a second as she searched for something. She turned you around so that you were facing the disgusting thong and began to slowly rub her thumb against the back of your face, forcing you to smell the nasty fabric. The smell was so bad that you were starting to cry, you tried to breathe through your mouth but doing so forced you to taste it. You could have sworn that the smell was so strong that you tasted it before you tasted the thong. The thong tasted like ass, sweat and shit. "Here it is," Monica said before turning you around so that you were facing her again. You had to cough for a second or two before you could look back at her. She was holding something that looked like a small grey remote. "As for how I shrank you, I stole this from one of my dad's scientists. I don't really know how it works, but last night I made you take some sort of pill and now I can use this remote to change your size whenever I want."

"Change me back you bitch," you shouted at her.

"Mark, we went over this, you agreed to be mine, I can do whatever I like with you. Now that I think about it, you don't need a name now that you belong to me. So I think that from now on, I'll be calling you things like servant, toy, slave-"

Overwhelmed with Anger, you interrupted her shouting, "I get it your a spoiled brat, just change me back so I can leave already!"

"No slave, you don't get it, you can't talk to me like that, you belong to me now. In fact from now on you are only allowed to speak when spoken to. Maybe I need to educate you," Monica said with a devilish grin.

October 14, 2023
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