Monica decides to eat

Monica would slip her fingers into the waistband of her booty shorts as she'd try to peel them off, the excess sweat stored inside her filthy buttcrack pouring out along with her absurdly monstrous buttmeat which bulged out more as her shorts came off. While she tried to slid them off, her titanic rear would strain against the struggling waistband until she'd hear a ripping noise, as her rear exploded out of the confined prison and wobbled wildly in every direction.
As if unaffected by the sudden destruction of her clothes, Monica would only let out an eager groan as a drop of saliva would trail down the corner of her mouth. Grabbing a handful of her buttmeat in each hand, she'd spread her cheeks wide as she flexed her meaty pucker, which prodded against the flimsy, soiled buttfloss of her thong which didn't even make an attempt to conceal her farthole due to it's pathetic size.

"Mmnfh, here comes another one~" She cheerfully exclaimed as she pumped her backdoor, until a slimey, wretched fart exploded from her hole, effectively shooting you our from her slimey pucker only to be smeared into the back of her disgusting thong, quickly followed by an audible spurt of booty sweat which completely enveloped your body.

Monica would release her buttmeat as they firmly smashed into each other, the rippling meat smacking against the flimsy fabric as they pummeled your face back against her grimey, plump farthole.
"Hope the girls left something good in the fridge, I'm starving." Monica said as she would walk toward the kitchen. Every step she took would send ripples throughout her lower body, jiggling her rear violently from side to side as the flimsy fabric of her thong had a hard time keeping up, as it repeatedly smashed your face into her closed pucker, giving you a mouthful of booty sweat each time.

"Ugh, fuck yeah! Cindy has some leftover burritos from last night. This day couldn't start any better." Monica exclaimed with utter joy as her bootyhole flexed and punched your beaten body, as if it responded with the same joy as it's owner. Monica would only continue with an evil laughter. "Well... Unless you start the day as my seat." With that, she gave the kitchen chair a playful wink as she carelessly threw the burrito in the microwave.

After a few minutes, she'd take the burrito out and place it on the kitchen table. "Smacking her plump lips as she had a hard time containing her excess saliva. She'd make her way to the chair as she planted her feet on either side of the seat, which looked suspiciously more beaten up and discolored than the others, as she slowly began to squat down onto her new throne. "Sorry Mr. Chair." Monica giggled with a sarcastic yet playful tone. As she moved her hand around to give her fat rear a firm clap.

Her thong would grow more and more taught against her skin while she squatted, and accompanied by the slight flailing of her cheeks from the recent slap, you managed to slide out from her thong as you found yourself falling through the air.
Crying with joy as you felt the scent of fresh...-ish air for the first time today, your celebrations were short lived as you realized your destination was in the absolute center of Monica's chair cushion, which had a significant brown splotch covering a large portion of it from her previous occupations. Your head tilted back as you stared at the massive eclipse engulfing you, as you saw Monica's monstrously thick booty squatting above, flexing her buttmeat as her spherical cheeks gaped wide, exposing the entirety of her grimey, oily booty crack which effectively drooled sweat onto the cushion below, her churring, flexing butthole angrily punching against the flimsy buttfloss of her thong.

Your fears were briefly interrupted as Cindy stood in the entrance of the room.
"Hey Monica, I'm just going out to meet some friends at the mall, so I'll be out for a few hour...." She looked at Monica's plate as she gulped. "Didn't I throw that out? Weird, but I wouldn't eat that if I were you, I got the worst case of explosive diarrhea last night, and clogged the toilet."

Monica laughed as she released another fart, spraying the back of her thong with some booty juices. "Gurl, don't sweat it. Not like my farthole can get any worse.... I think? Besides, with you leaving, There'll be no-one who'll complain about it anyways." She'd snort as her squat suddenly increased in speed towards the cushion. As you soon felt the familiar slimey wall of her wrinkled pucker push against your body as it accelerated your descent. With a loud groan and agonizing squeal, you'd finally make contact with the somewhat soft cushion underneath as the overwhelming weight of her buttmeat pulverized you into it, as her meaty farthole positioned itself just above you.

Eagerly waiting for what's to come, her holy would pulsate slowly, as her grimey hole repeatedly flexed and bulged outwards, violently punching your body into the seat.

October 14, 2023
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