Time for a bath

You were being squeezed from all sides by the walls of Monica's anal canal, you were unable to move at all. From inside your prison in the gigantic Latina's sphincter you could hear Monica's muffled voice as she said, "Wow, my shorts are soaked, I should really take a bath." Even though you were trapped on the other side of her butthole, you were still relieved to hear that she was going to clean up, you didn't want to imagine her ass being dirtier than it already was.

         A minute or two later you heard the faint sound of running water, eventually you felt gravity shift until you were upside down. There was no sign of water but you knew she was most likely in the tub. You could feel the gravity shift again and again as she washed herself. Then it happened, Monica let out what was probably the smallest of her farts so far. It was quick and weak but it was enough for you to fall out of her anus into an ocean of warm water. You looked around as you swam in place, she was sitting in the tub and your only option for escaping was swimming out of the long canyon of her asscrack. You looked up to see that Monica had already cleaned her backside, her ass was spotless now, but you noticed a multitude of small air bubbles in the wrinkles of Monica's asshole. The bubbles were probably air leftover from her last fart. You needed air, but the it would take to long for you to swim out, you had no other choice, you swam back to her sphincter, stuck your nose into one of the many bubbles and inhaled the entire bubble. The smell was the same as the hundreds of farts you were already forced to endure, but that didn't stop it from being revolting. The toxic oxygen was only enough for a second, didn't want to endure the smell of her farts again, so you tried to breathe the next one through your mouth. You inhaled the bubble, you could actually taste the gas and it tasted worse than it smelled. You immediately coughed, releasing hundreds of miniscule bubbles. Desperate for air you rushed to another one of the fart bubbles and inhaled it through your nose, sure the smell was terrible but it was better than tasting her farts.

         After a minute of breathing in her fart bubbles you began to realize that each one smelled a bit better than the last, you were growing used to her gas with every breath. You hated the idea of becoming accustomed with Monica's foul farts, but you didn't want to drown either. You didn't know how long it had been but you were starting to run out of bubbles. There were five bubbles left and you were praying that she would fart again so that you wouldn't have to drown. Once the last bubble entered your lungs, you realized that her gas smelled like an average fart instead of the ungodly stench you remembered.

         There was nothing you could do, you were out of oxygen and the girl who seemed to have endless gas for the last hour wasn't letting out another. Then just as you thought about it the anus opened and let out a long stream of bubbles. Most of the bubbles were traveling up her asscrack. Seeing your chance you followed the bubbles, breathing in a few to make sure you wouldn't drown. You broke through the surface of the the water and took in a deep breath. You were expecting to get fresh air, it smelled the exact same as her farts. Then you remembered that you were only able to get here was a stream of her gas, of course it didn't smell any better, her gas was being released from the water in the exact same location. You looked around to see that you were still surrounded by her two phat ass cheeks. As soon as you began to swim Monica started to move. She was starting to get up, her ass was rising into the air but it was also coming towards you. You slammed against her asshole again, you left arm was consumed by her butthole and it easily lifted you into the air. You watched as the water went farther and farther away from you. You heard the drain as it started to empty the ocean that was threatening your life.

October 14, 2023
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