Shrunk in the bakery
Bake Me A Cake Chapter 2

It felt as if I was suddenly teletransported to some strange yet familiar new world, but it didn't take me long to recognize the darkness enveloping me was just my now oversized clothing. I moved to get away from the slightly dirty apron that fell on top of me and shivered, not only for being naked at the cold and empty bakery but because I immediately felt scared and threatened by how huge everything around me looked.

"What the fuck" was all I could think of, looking around and seeing the familar ovens, trolleys and all the other equipment now looking just as imposing as the buildings on the street. I walked around a bit, feeling the cold and shiny floor from the work I just finished doing, knowing there was no good reason to do so but not knowing what else to do other than to take in a bit more of the world from my new perspective. 

Nearing one of the giant empty trolleys I looked at the wheels reaching up to my belly and guessed I was a bit smaller than 1 foot, looking up the trolley looked like a giant ladder leading particularly nowhere, and despite the faint smell of the delicious products Blue and the others made, the threatening buzz from the giant ovens was enough to make me stay away from them. The counters seemed inaccesible at my size too, and on the distance I could see the giant door that separated the kitchen from the store front and that I wasn't sure if I would be able to push, even then I didn't dare to try knowing through the glass door someone could see me.

I walked back towards where my clothes were located, feeling how they were still a bit warm as I moved them around until noticing right under them something that made me gasp in surprise. It was the rest of Blue's cookie I was just eating that fell to the floor along with everything else, breaking and leaving some crumbs on the floor. Was this the reason I shrunk? couldn't be anything else... but taking it with both hands I noticed nothing in particular about it. It looked and smelled just like the regular delicious cookies Blue sometimes shared with me. 

I thought for a second of tasting it again, but.. what if I shrunk again? I dropped the thought and left the cookie on the floor, now focusing on trying to get my phone out of the pocket in my pants and reach for help, until I heard a noise outside that made me freeze in fear.

What happens next?

October 1, 2023
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