Served To A Giantess
You slipped on a wet bit of the spoon, and careened towards the shallow pool of food. Mid-flight, you dropped the last plate, which went sailing off. Both you and the plate splashed face-down in the food. Luckily, some soft pieces of beef and onion cushioned your head. It was hot, but not scalding, thankfully. Your whole body and all your clothes were soaked. You rolled over in the food and looked up, wiping the sauce off your eyes. You looked down. Although the pool was shallow, you were completely covered in sauce. 

“Huh?” Kelly looked away from her phone. “What?” She glanced at the spoon full of food. “Ooh, looks amazing Phil! I can’t wait to have some!” She looked around. “Where did you go, Phil?” 

“Ke-blahfbk-” You tried to speak, but choked on the sauce that entered your mouth. Did this girl seriously not see you? You looked down. Well, you were covered in an opaque, shiny sauce. Only your eyes were clear. You tried to sit up and shake yourself off, when you felt your stomach drop.

She had picked up the spoon. The sheer g-force pushed you back underneath the sauce.

“Looks yummy! Sorry Phil, I can’t wait to try it!”

Oh no. Oh no no no no no. This was your worst nightmare. This was exactly the thing your school had warned you about, over and over. This was what your giantess instructors had training for. Always keep an eye on the tiny chef as you taste their food. Don’t chew without looking. Never accept food larger than the tiny. Keep the giant food tasting area and the tiny food tasting areas as separated as possible. You flashed back to your own training sessions. Try to shout or flail if you find yourself on a giantess’s food. Well, you were trying, dammit! But the g-forces of the rapidly ascending spoon kept you from moving. You were trapped. And on top of that, you were awestruck.

Kelly had brought the spoon to her nose, and took a whiff of the steaming serving of haute French cuisine (along with a distinctly non-haute tiny). You gazed up at the two massive, cavernous nostrils as they expanded and contracting, sucking in the smell of the food and making your hair stand on end. You could see every little hair and pore on her nose.

“Mmmmmmm….” She moaned loudly. It reverberated around you, and shook you to your core.  “Smells delicious.” Her voice brought your attention to her massive, smiling lips.

You were so close you could smell her cherry chapstick. Her lips were like massive, fleshy arched gates overhead. You could see every little fold and wrinkle, and every bit of fluorescent glitter on the shiny, slick coating of gloss over them. Suddenly, she grinned, and the soft titans moved apart, revealing her boulder-like teeth. It was amazing how such enormous walls of white enamel were so smooth, and wet, and yet so rough at the same time. You could see all the little ridges. 

“Yummy.” One single word contorted the huge mouth every which way, giving you glimpses of her taste-bud speckled tongue, opening and closing her lips over and over. It amazed you how she moved her gigantic mouth so fast. And every detail of her was so perfect. Her lips were smooth and pristine, the limpid saliva coating of her tongue looked so warm, and inviting -

But this was no time to stare lovestruck! You had to scream! “KELL -” 

It was too late. The colossal woman stuck the spoon inside her mouth faster than you could scream. One moment, you were admiring her lips, the next moment, her mouth opened wide, making the monstrous structure even larger, and revealing a hole so wide and deep you felt you were looking into a cave. Then you were shoved inside and her lips snapped shut behind you, sealing you into the hot, humid, and pitch-black cavern. 

Kelly pulled the spoon out from between her puckered lips, slurping it onto her tongue. The spoon came out clean. For her, this was a single spoonful of food, but for you, it represented hours and hours of work. Your own serving lay abandoned on the counter in front of her. 

Just as soon as you were sealed into the darkness of her mouth, the spoon fell away below you and a tidal wave of sauce tumbled you somewhere deeper into her mouth. You were thrown about, and had no idea where you were. The air was oppressively hot and humid, so much so that you immediately felt confused and overwhelmed by the sensations. It smelled like Beef Bourguignon, and saliva, and Kelly’s breath. You were soaked in a slurry of saliva and sauce. You felt around for anything to grab on to. All you caught was the hot bits of food, and some fleshy, pliable thing below you. That must be Kelly’s tongue. Everything was so hot.

Kelly was surprised at how good it tasted as she moved the spoonful around her mouth. She had never had anything like it before. It was leagues beyond the take-out she’d been accustomed to eating. It was complex, and hearty, and savory, and the beef and wine flavors paired unbelievably well. It was an experience unlike any other. All thoughts of Phil faded from her as she rolled it around her tongue, savoring the taste, before starting to chew it up. It was mostly small, soft bits that exploded with flavor, but there was also a big, harder piece that she had trouble chewing. But it was all incredible.

You were disoriented and afraid. You’d heard stories about this from unfortunate tinies who barely lived to tell the tale, but experiencing it was something else entirely. You were thrown this way and that so frequently that you had absolutely no hope of righting yourself and finding an exit. You were completely powerless against her undulating tongue and her constantly moving jaw. A few times, you felt an incredible force squeezing your sides, as if you were trapped in a massive hydraulic press. But just before you felt you were about to snap, it backed off, as if sensing that you were hardier than it expected. But at the same time, you knew that it would have taken very little pressure for her teeth to break your bones as if they were just pretzels. You could do nothing but pray and hope she realized you were in her mouth.
March 6, 2023
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