You woke up in an infirmary, still feeling the effects of a headache after getting hit by someone transformed into a monster made of stone. You were alone in the room and didn't understand what was going on, but still felt too tired to find out. Were you still on the island, or did they throw you out for being a trouble maker that asked a single question? If that was the case, you would have banged your head against the wall if it didn't hurt so much, all that money wasted for a bad experience that lasted less than 2 hours..

Suddenly the door opened and a female voice greeted you

"Mr. Sanchez! Glad you're awake" The woman walked in front of you, she was dressed like a nurse but not like an actual nurse, more like one of those raunchy halloween costumes, a skimpy white top and skirt with red lines of them, the red cross plastered on top of it and that impractical hat no nurse used in real life. She was clearly attractive though, looked like one of the models that are used to sell those costumes too.

"What's going on?" You wanted to ask where are you, but the woman with the silly outfit already gave you enough of a clue. For all you knew this could be a man transformed, and you had other things in mind to go along with her play

"I'm afraid we owe you an apology, here in the Resort of Change we are quite sensitive towards judging others based on their transformation, but that's no reason to knock you out like that" The nurse said, talking more like a PR trained customer service representative than a doctor.

"Oh.. my question was.. right, the slave thing" You bring back the memory of what you saw, and what the ogre bartender told you about how people who rack up debts are sold.

"That was just roleplaying, you know some people fantasize with losing control like that. If we could license content, there is this girl in a movie that was forced to be a slave and gets requested so much" The nurse said with an emotionless tone, it sounded like a practiced answer.

"But isn't the thing about the debts true?" You insisted for some reason. A part of you wanted to just go back and start over with the resort but something told you you would get anwers now. It's not like they would knock you out again, they already apologized right?

"Well, we have to cover our costs somehow. You can think of it as collateral, like having to wash the dishes if you can't pay at the restaurant" That sounded reasonable, except you knew from your work people can't really do that.

"There aren’t other options?" You kept going

"You do ask a lot of questions" The professional voice of the non professional nurse cracked "But sure, there are other ways a customer in debt can pay, after all in the Resort of Change there are infinite possibilities. And they're free to go once the debt is paid anyway"

The threat was enough to make you stop, not that you could do anything about that anyway, it was just disappointing that a place where you could be whatever you wanted operated in such a way, but it was just another business, not part of another world free of the rules of profit.

"So what now?" You finally gave in and changed topic

"Well, we'd like to compensate you for the trouble caused, if you want to that is" The nurse announced

"Huh, how?"

"You can get a VIP experience at one of our thematic places, get one of those customers in debt and transform them into whatever you want for the duration of your stay, or get an access pass for some of our latest transformations available" The nurse smiled with confidence, you were now sure this was someone with previous sales experience instead of an actual nurse.

"Could I decide later? I just wanted to check things until I saw.. what I saw" You decide to drop the slave auction issue. Now that you were offered a customer in debt, would you be able to help them and get more information? But the other choices sounded interesting too

"Sure, just don't get into trouble again. Call me when you know what to do" The nurse gave you a little business card with her number.. His number, now that you looked again.

You thanked the nurse and she indicated you how to go back to your room. The headache was still there but now at least you had some incentive to try and enjoy the place again.

What happens next?



August 9, 2023
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