As you sat and admired what the resort had built in order to punish and entertain those who managed to follow the rules, you heard footsteps coming from around a corner. Just then, a beautiful woman of no older than twenty five wearing a resort uniform walked into view. She had brown hair, and breasts which seemed to want escape from her zoo outfit, with an ass that sure wasn't wishing to stay in place either. The woman grew a grin with the sight of you, and slowly approached.

"Hi! I'm Cassie and I'm a member of our aquarium staff here at the zoo. Not too many people stop by on account of the hungry shark we have swimming around, so why did you decide to stick around?" She asked.

"Well I've just always been intrigued by maritime life in general, and you guys put a pretty neat twist on it." You replied, getting a laugh out of the worker.

"Say! I've got nothing better to do, so why don't I give you a tour behind the scenes so to speak. You'd love our lab." She said, still maintaining the friendly grin from earlier.

"Why not?" You say joyously as she motions for you to follow her through the exhibit.

"I moved here straight after college." She starts as you walk. "I majored in marine biology and no place in the world seemed to be good enough, until I took a vacation here spring break senior year. From the moment I stepped in, I absolutely knew that this was the place I wanted to spend my career. The fact it's on a tropical resort island was just a bonus." She then opened a metal door, scanning a keycard to unlock it.

As you passed through the door you spotted maybe a dozen people in lab coats, all huddled around a starfish man hybrid, who was hopelessly fighting the scalpel coming towards him. "Don't worry, old Larry has been here for a decade now, and starfish aren't that popular anymore. He's just a liability." Cassie said, walking by without a second glance. You gulped as he faintly screamed with the penetration of the scalpel.

Cassie lead you into an isolated room, before heading to a closet. She then entered the closet, with the distinct sound of a locking door behind her. Confused, you soon figured out that it was not actually a closet, as a two way mirror faded to reveal the aquarium worker behind a computer, and soon a ray gun emerged from the wall, pointed straight at you.

"What are you doing?!" You cried, confused as to what the worker had planned with you.

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm transforming you into a sea creature. The ray gun kind of gives it away." She said, laughing casually.

"Why? I thought the zoo only transforms people who are guilty of something?!" You frantically questioned as the machine started to fire up.

Cassie then said

Option 1 - "We'll make something up and say you did that."

Option 2 - "You're not going to end up in the zoo."

Option 3 - "Relax, it's only for a day. I figured the best way to experience the exhibit is from the inside, we'll change you back tomorrow."
July 28, 2023
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