Spotting a sign for the resort's famous spa, you figured that you might want to unload a little bit of steam. Everything you'd seen so far was so amazing and fantastical, perhaps taking a load off was the right move for the time being. Heading up to the cabana looking building, you waited for the automatic doors to slide open before stepping inside.

There was a pristine white lobby, with a rather minimalist looking desk in the back center. You could smell the lavender scent they were surely pumping through the ducts as you took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to get into the right mindset for relaxation. Approaching the desk, a blonde woman around the same age as you was manning it, although who knew how old she really was, the island could manipulate such trivial things.

"Hello sir, I'm Candy. Welcome to the resort's spa, which of our packages would you like today?" She said in a welcoming tone with a warm smile, causing you to feel at ease.

"Oh well I just got here, did you have any recommendations?" You question, wanting to know what they had in store.

"Of course! There's three treatments that I'd suggest for our newcomers, all of which are quite tame by the resort's standards. Although some of the effects may be a bit jarring, I assure you it's quite minimalist compared to what could happen to you in other locations."

"That'd be great, let's hear em!" You exclaim.

"Alright, so starting off we have the Barbie Bath, a relaxing hot tub in which guests are soothed and taught to see the world in a bigger way, if you catch my drift." She giggled.

A little curious by what she meant, you decided not to question it, instead tapping your attention to what she was saying next.

"Next on the list we have the genderbending sauna, pretty self explanatory there. You'll sweat out your sex, and soon become a female version of yourself." She said calmly, as though she wasn't listing something so absurd.

"And finally, the mind control massage. It sounds intimidating, but sometimes all you need is to follow orders for a while and relax your mind. It's quite lovely, trust me. And that's the three beginner options, I highly suggest trying these before going to more extreme measures."

You take a moment to think about it, having heard all the choices and come to a decision. Very proudly, you announce that you'll be taking the
July 28, 2023
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