Your New Tiny Life
· original author:
Sandra brings you out to a bunch of different containers with glass fronts. She opens up the lid to one and drops you in where you see a tiny bed, chair, refrigerator, and a full bathroom.

She smiles at you from above before saying “Don’t worry little guy, since you volunteered for this, I’ll make sure that you’re treated right”. She then strokes your back with her finger and closes the lid before walking off giggling. You stare at her ass jiggling as she walks off noticing how much fuller and bouncy it is at this size.
Later that night when the shop is dead with no people besides Sandra.
You think about how nice it is as you step out of the shower to have no more responsibilities in life when you hear a loud knocking sound at the front of your container. You peak your head out of the bathroom to see Sandra of course smiling while tapping on the glass.

She waves when she sees you and asks “So, how was your first day as a shrunken man?” she says giggling.

You reply thoughtfully with “You know? Other than having to rely on people now for most things and becoming a pet, it’s actually pretty great!” you say enthusiastically. “No responabilites, no more bills, no more trouble! This is great!” you say while drying your hair.

Sandra’s amused by your attitude towards the whole thing and smiles. She rests her face in her hands leaning on the counter gazing at you which gives you a nice view of her ample cleavage.

“You know? I’ve never met anyone that’s willingly been shrunken and then ended up being happy about it... Why did you decide to do it? Curiosity? Work? Debt??? You know that there’s no way of reversing this right?” she says a little confused.

You start to blush a bit before saying “ Well yeah all of those things, but honestly... This is kind of my dream. There’s something exciting about being tiny and helpless in a world of giant sexy woman. That’s why I came to the island actually. I heard that you could transform in anyway that you wanted... and well when I found your shop, I saw an opportunity. As for reversing this... I don’t want to.” you say sincerely.

“Huh...” she says trying to process what you’ve said. “So you get off to being owned by a woman? Tiny and helpless? Nothing more than a pet or a plaything?”

“Well... I guess if you put it like that it sounds weird, but yeah” you say shrugging.

“Ohhh...” she says as she smiles seductively. “So than you must LOVE! How tiny you are compared to me.” she says as she stands up to her full height and turns around, her ass coming up to the height of your enclosure.

You can’t help but stare at her huge ass. Just wanting to run over and leap onto it.

She starts to lift it up and let her ass cheeks drop with her hands, then starts to jiggle it side to side and slap it. “Do you like that little man? Do you like being nothing more than a bug watching a goddess shake her huge ass in front of you?” she says giggling.

You gulp in anticipation as you start to get hard from watching Sandra be a total giantess. “Yeah... I REALLY do Sandra.” you say as you start to jerk off.

“Oh! Does somebody have a teeny tiny hard on?” she says biting her lip. “Let me take care of that for you.” she says lifting you out of the box and putting you between her boobs, bringing you over to the sofa in the back room. “Here.” she says taking you out and placing you down on the cushion as she takes off her pants ready to plop her planet size booty on top of you before you scream “WAIT!!! I’m fine with this, but won’t you crush me to death???”. you say nervously, but very excited.

“Of course not!” she turns around laughing hysterically. “The serum that made you shrink makes you immune to being crushed and increases your lung capacity by 400%! We sell tinies specifically knowing people might abuse them or use them in unconventional ways. After all, the product needs to be up to standard and in this case well... you’re the product. she says giggling. “And besides... you should know that I would never hurt a tiny as cute as you.” she says cooing affectionetly poking you. At most it will just feel like a lot of weight is on you.” and with that she lets her planet size booty drop down on top of you grinding you and your dick into her ass cheek.

You’re about to cum when you slip between her ass crack and decide to crawl over to her pussy and crawl inside. You wriggle around rubbing yourself all over the inside of her pussy. Your whole world is quaking from Sandra’s moaning and vaginal spasms. When a wave of cum pushes you out onto the sofa making you cum as well in the process.

You both lay there panting when Sandra picks you up and licks you clean, paying extra attention to your sore dick in the process. You both start to laugh as she holds you resting you on her boobs.

“You know... I do own this shop, and I don’t have to sell you if you don’t want me to. I could just keep you as my personal pet/tiny boyfriend.” she says as you gaze into her beautiful blue eyes.

“So... What’ll it be?” she says awaiting your response.
July 28, 2023
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