Good, horny, hands.
· original author:
"You're in good hands." Donna said, pausing in embarrassment "Just really, really horny hands, is all."
Camille felt her face turn red, or more red, as she opened her mouth to reply, but couldn't think of any words.
The sudden shaking from their plastic prison as the giantess holding them began to move luckily distracted Donna from noticing.
The mass of buxom women, crammed together, shook like one, little room around the upper body area.
At least there was enough legroom, Camille thought to try and keep up her spirits.
The the box began to move down, and she was now looking up at the massive figures towering over her.
The box stopped on top of what Camille assumed was a table, and the lid opened.
About dozen more 4-inch tall shrunken, overly buxom women were dropped into the box, tightening the already cramped space.
A shadow grew over the box as the asian woman bent over and, sloppily, planted numerous face filling kisses until she was pretty sure she had covered all the women in the box.
"We need a bigger box." she said, a little more clear than her bliss filled haze before.
"Or smaller girls." the other women remarked cheerfully.
They continued talking, but Camille couldn't quite follow after the lid was put back on the box, which was then lifted, and the wall of skin filled Camille's field of vision once again.

After a brief moment of silence, the box quickly filled with chatter and some giggling.
She gathered some courage, as the chatting made her feel just a little more at ease with this whole situation.
"S-so..." she started, drawing back Donna's attention. "Co-Could you fill me in a little? About, well, you know..."
Camille tried to gesture at the box and the giant women, but the lack of arm space prevented her.
Donna understood regardless. "Right. So..." she paused a little "The woman carrying us is Naomi, the other is Irene, they come here every year, I've been told."
A small yelp from Camille interrupted her, as one of the other girls in the box pinched her butt cheek, followed by Donna laughing a little before continuing.
"They have a thing for tiny women, mostly, but they're not mean or anything. I was full size when they approached me yesterday!"
"Okay..." Camille said, Donna looking oddly proud of herself, followed by a brief pause filled with the chatter of two dozen girls, the muffled, booming voices of the women carrying the box, and the rhythmic shaking of the box with every step Naomi made.
"So -"

As Camille wanted to ask about her chances of getting the help to get back to normal size (or at least to her room, for now), having thoughtlessly been put in the box when the women left the poolside, the box was lowered.
And started swinging.
The giantess carrying the box had become lost in conversation with her paramour, and idly lowered the box down, next to her hips, swaying left to right with the steps of her hips, and back to front with the movement of her arm, every inch many feet for the girls in the plastic container.
And, as the conversation became more lighthearted, quaking with every little shake of her laughter.
Camille tried to hold onto a clear, featureless wall, but was merely swished from side to side, as far as possible, as most of the women seemed to cheer and (try to) put up their hands as if it was a roller-coaster ride.
On the plus side, Camille could now try and view her surroundings.

They were no where near the pool anymore, they had moved back to the hotel area.
And went inside.
The speed at which the surrounding passed in front of her eyes reminded her how small she was, and how big the world surrounding her now was.
Passing by the mammoth thighs also reminded her that the giantess still hadn't put on any clothes.
She wondered where she'd end up, as the women entered an elevator, and felt it speeding upwards.
Some more walking later, she found out: the giant couple's room.
The lid was lifted off the box, and the box itself was turned over, leaving the women inside to fall out.

Camille found herself on top of a massive field of white, which, even at four inch tall, she recognized as the hotel's bed sheets.
The bed creaked and the mattress folded and dented, shaking up the women on top, as Naomi climbed onto the bed, carefully not the crush on "her" girls,
and sat down, leaning back against the luxurious pillows.
Camille sat up, and as she regained her balance, found her field of vision filled by a massive fleshy cavern, sided by two wrinkly brown meaty curtains, a love button the size of her head on top, surrounded by a overgrown forest of black curls, held aloft upon a massive pillow of ass, towering above her even when mostly sunken into the mattress.
For a moment, Camille was in awe, and intimidated, by the appearance of Naomi's gargantuan vagina.
She scooted back a little, collected herself, and tried to look up at the face of the giantess before her.
She couldn't.
A giant mountain of fleshy stomach, over which she could just barely see absolute mammoth breasts peek out, blocked her view.
Looking slightly to the side, she could see thick thighs, moving out, then in again until her feet touched, surrounding the shrunken women.
Like in the box before, only Camille wasn't quite at ease, and even Donna had moved on and started talking to some of the others.

"How long?" a voice boomed and shook the bed.
"About ten minutes." another voice echoed from somewhere else in the room. "Want some?"
"Sure. One of each, please."
Thunderous steps followed by the towering figure of Irene looming over the bed followed, as she handed a pile of something to her lover.
With a kiss, Irene stepped away from the bed, and moved somewhere.
From above, Camille could hear the crackling of paper, followed by chewing and crumpling noises, as big balls of scrunched up candy wrappers rolled down the woman, down next to Camille.
It took some effort, but she managed to read some of them; 'Bubble-Butt Gum', 'Jiggle Jelly Bellies', and a familiar one, 'Breast Milk Chocolate'.
Off course, she could have just looked up, as the already huge woman started to expand even more.

The doorbell rang.
"Masseuse's here!" sounded, as she heard the door open, and Irene started talking with a woman she couldn't see.
She didn't follow the conversation, but did hear the phrase "Minikin Massage", followed by the other shrunken women exclaiming and cheering in anticipation.

Looking to the side, she noticed the folds in Naomi's thighs, now forming good foothold.
Now or never, she thought, and started climbing.
With quite some effort, she managed to climb on top of the thighs, and looking up, began to feel real small again.
The massive bulging belly would be an incredible challenge to climb.
"Alright Camille, here goe-OO!" Camille was interrupted in her pep talk by an index finger and a thumb pinching her up, and carrying her all the way to the valley that was the giantess' cleavage; her struggle-some climb had not simply gone unnoticed.
"Oh my, I forgot about you!" she boomed, causing Camille's world to shake around her. "You okay, cutie?"
She stood up, very deliberate not to lean on of fall into the breast flesh, and took a deep breath.
"Hi! I'm Camille, and -" About to ask for Naomi for help with the whole 4 inch tall situation, she hesitated.
It's not like she needed to leave right now.
This was her vacation too, and a massage sounded just perfect after all the madness her first few hours had already thrown at her...
July 28, 2023
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