You bump into someone carrying drinks from the ...
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As the struggle continues you kick you foot into the bear anthro's leg, your new feet causing the woman pain letting you go. As you fly backwards you crash into some unlucky sap who was carrying drinks from the bar. The guy is pushed over as you fall, causing the drinks he was holding to fly and spill onto you. Getting some in your face too, you stubble a bit more before landing back on your towel. Rubbing your eyes you look to your left and see the man still dazed in the sand. Looking forward you see the bear woman gripping her leg in pain, before starring daggers back at you.

"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" She yells heading to grab you again. You attempt to get up but feel a bit dazed from crashing to the guy with drinks, as well you begin to feel a bit funny. Before you realize it you begin to transform again, but how?
July 28, 2023
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