The puckering orifice before her began to twitch, this was starting to feel familiar, the muscle groaned and after a few seconds, a massive explosion of gas erupted from the sphincter. This time was different. Claire collapsed onto the twitching anus, she could no longer hear the grotesque noises coming off of it. Putting her hands to her ears, Claire noticed they were bleeding. Claire had been right on top of the anus when the foul air hit. The sudden change in pressure ruptured both of her ear drums. The air quality around her grew more toxic, the smell was somehow even more potent than before. Her body was beginning to shut down, she needed one final act to save her life. Flipping onto her stomach, Claire inched her way towards the center of the anus. She didn't exactly know what she was going to do, but perhaps she could reach a more sensitive part deeper in the anus. Her hands plunged into the center, the walls of the sphincter grew tighter and tighter the deeper she went, she nearly threw up when her hands brushed past small pieces of feces in between the wrinkles. Finally after forcing her hands past a certain point she reached the smoother walls leading to Ellie's rectum. As soon as her fingers made contact with the slimy flesh, the asshole puckered tightly around her arms, crushing her poor hands in the process. Claire yelped in pain, she couldn't even hear her own voice, nor the returning groaning coming from within the rectum. The anus erupted into yet another silent explosion, caught right at the entrance, the putrid gas traveling up her nose, down her throat and into her lungs. Claire was launched violently away from the asshole and into the fabric of Ellie's underwear where everything went black.

Ellie's stomach was bothering her, clearly something she had eaten was not sitting well within her. She continued to pass gas throughout the day until later that night when she was finally able to use the bathroom. As she as sitting down doing her business, she noticed the crumpled remains of her shrunken toy at the bottom of her underwear. Ellie couldn't help but laugh. The girl had been lodged in her ass all day smelling her farts until they killed her. It seemed a fitting end for such an insubordinate pet. Once she finished wiping, Ellie picked up Claire's body and tossed it into the toilet where it sank into a mountainous log of shit. Ellie flushed and walked away, not even bothering to see the girl disappear for good...

February 14
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