It was a Wednesday night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Ginny Weasley had just perfected a Shrinking Solution.


Carefully stirring her concoction in the relative safety of the second floor girls’ bathroom, she watched with glee as a deep green slowly bled into the liquid, indicating it was done.

“My little beauty,” she grinned, ladling some of it into a potion vial.


”Ooh, it’ll be just dreadful if you spilled it on yourself!” Moaning Myrtle giggled, leaning through the cubicle wall.


“That’s what the gloves are for, Myrtle.” Ginny flexed her fingers, “though that’s not a bad idea. Could be fun if I play my cards right.”

”And you’re going to have so much fun without your best friend Myrtle?” She sobbed.

”You get to have fun guarding this, remember?” Ginny stoppered her potion with a cork. “Keep people away, be scary, all the good stuff.”


”You bore me to tears…” Myrtle sighed, disappearing back into her stall.


”…fine, you can watch too.” Ginny groaned. “Just as long as the potion stays safe.”


”I suppose that’ll do.” Myrtle adjusted her glasses, and Ginny stood up. Shrinking Solution in hand, the castle was her oyster. Now all she needed was a time, a place, and a person.


Thinking for a moment, she decided on…

June 28, 2023
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