"Ugh, why is everyone here so messy?" You hid grabbing the bra cup and fearing for your life as you felt yourself being lifted by who you at first thought was the owner of this piece of clothing. A bad movement and you would fall to what looked like a certain death, a bad movement and you would be discovered, probably mistaken for a bug and promptly dealt with. But from this position all you could do was hang on and wait.


And suddenly, you somehow managed to grab onto the threads even tighter as the giant girl behind that complaint just tossed the bra, and you, aside. With the way she threw you and the way you were holding on you felt as if you were on a sled, a sled that just happened to be launched from the top of a huge mountain. Vertigo filled your body and you closed your eyes as you felt yourself falling in a diagonal trajectory, hopeful that thanks to your irrelevant weight and the material of the bra you could survive, but also too scared to even think about praying or watching your life go past you.  


And fortunately, the impact was way softer than you expected. 


When you opened your eyes and the vertigo sensation passed you couldn't believe your luck, you barely felt the impact! Slowly you escaped from the giant gray cup and landing in a kinda soft and brown surface you immediately understood what happened, you were launched towards a bed. 


Looking around you could see the giantess that tossed you aside, a thin asian girl with long black hair, gray eyes, a red top, green shorts and red sandals. While on the bed her footsteps no longer boomed around you, but her mere presence was enough to intimidate you, not only because of the size difference, but because she looked angry as she kept picking up more things and throwing them around, seemingly irritated with all of her roommates.


Focusing on the rest of the room, you could also see a yellowish pillow behind you, in front of you some wooden rails and above you, the wood base that supported the upper bunkbed. On the floor you could only see a rug now that the giantess was making good progress in clearing up the mess, and beyond that, some blurry furniture that you couldn't really make up the details of from your current position.


You wondered what to do. The bed could be a safe place, until its owner arrived that is. Could there be other place in this room where you could feel safer? You saw the giantess finish "cleaning" up (she just tossed all the items to different beds), giving a satisfied sigh and going to her own bed to take a nap, which made you wonder if you should try getting her attention of staying close to her. What if there was something outside that could help you grow back? 


What happens next?

July 23, 2023
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