You didn't take a lot of time choosing, there was this alluring pair of black panties close to you and everything else.. Well, it didn't look as appealing. Taking a look around you could see this was like some sort of camp room for girls, with lots of bunk beds, the wooden floor that wasn't particularly well taken care of, the rustic vibe the whole place gave.. But what scared you was the amount of sex toys you found laying around. It made you quite uncomfortable, maybe this was some sort of crazy coven for orgies and your priority should be getting out of here as fast as you could, not finding a place to hide.

Then again, the panties just called out to you. They were black briefs, something that relieved you at some level because it signalled that this was indeed some sort of camp and not that other thing you considered, clearly a decision made for comfort over style. You walked over them feeling the soft material and marvelled at just how big they were, to the point you wondered if they were bigger than your apartment, if at this size you woke up you could actually live inside a pair of panties. It certainly looked like it.

Sheepishly, even if nobody was around, you decided to go for it and squeezed your body into one of the leg openings, the cotton easily engulfing you and not letting you see much other than the little light that filtered through the threads. It was quite interesting already, like being trapped in a net of sorts or in a folded tent that who knows how big it could become if unfolded, but it became even more interesting the moment you spotted a faint smell that wasn't from the cotton or the floor or the room.

You already suspected as much, after all, the pair of panties was just there on the floor, but it still sent a thrill on your whole body knowing that they were used. Slightly it seemed, but still, used, by a giant woman. Your musings on living in a piece of clothing like this gained an extra dimension of meaning as you forgot about your predicament and just let yourself bask in a fetish you weren't even aware of, crawling around and wanting to track the source like a dog. There were no visible signs to guide you, but the faint smell of sweat was enough to you for now, because it made you daydream with other things.

At least until the sound of the door harshly interrupted your pleasure and reminded you about where you were.

What happens next? 


September 29
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