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Timmy's parents had told him that in two weeks they will leave for vacation for the whole summer. They told him that Vicky would babysit him since they don't trust Timmy alone even though he's 18 years old since he's so irresponsible.  And they even added some security measures in the house to make sure he doesn't escape from the house as he has done other times when Vicky babysits him.  His parents never understood why Timmy hated Vicky so much when in their eyes she is so innocent and kind. They only hope that in this summer they will be able to get along since it will be the last time he will be babysit since he will need to learn how to be responsible later on. Meanwhile Vicky was starting to prepare herself to torment Timmy for the summer. 

Author comment: This is my first time writing a story especially an interactive one. So, the flow of the story and the story itself may be messy. 
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Chapter 1
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